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44th CLEI 2018: São Paulo, Brazil
- XLIV Latin American Computer Conference, CLEI 2018, São Paulo, Brazil, October 1-5, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-7281-0437-9
SLISW - Latin American Symposium on Software Engineering
- Ariel Gonzalez, Carlos Luna, Gonzalo Bressan:
Mutation Testing for Java Based on Model-Driven Development. 1-10 - Linda Riquelme, Magalí González, Nathalie Aquino, Luca Cernuzzi
MoFQA: An Approach for Automatic TDD Test Case Generation from MDD Models. 11-20 - Diogo Alberto do Espírito Santo Saraiva, Bruno Rafael de Oliveira Rodrigues, Fernando Hadad Zaidan, Fernando Silva Parreiras:
Quality Assessment of Awareness Support in Agile Collaborative Tools. 21-30 - Rodrigo Tavares Coimbra, Antônio Resende, Ricardo Terra:
A Correlation Analysis between Halstead Complexity Measures and other Software Measures. 31-39 - Isaac de Jesus Silva, Matheus Sampaio R. Santos, Leandro Lopes Ramos, Luis Paulo da Silva Carvalho:
VISMELLS: An Interactive Visualization for Identifying and Evaluating the Effects of Code Smells on Software Projects. 40-49 - Ana Kachorowski, Janaina Wendler, Regina Albuquerque, Rafaela Mantovani Fontana, Andreia Malucelli, Sheila S. Reinehr:
What Motivates Software Developers? 50-59 - André A. N. Coelho, Thalita T. O. Silva, Alessandreia M. Oliveira, José Maria N. David
Software Developers Sentiment Analysis: A Systematic Mapping. 60-69 - Taisa Guidini Gonçalves, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira, Christophe Kolski:
Supporting Interactive System Development Following MR-MPS-SW with HCI Approaches. 70-79 - Pedro Vasconcellos, Vinicius Bezerra, Calebe P. Bianchini
Applying Event Sourcing in a ERP System: A Case Study. 80-89 - Jorge Gómez, Claudia López:
Improving User Stories: A Case Study in the Chilean Banking Industry. 90-99 - Bruno Henrique Cavalcante, Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal
, Renato Balancieri, Ivaldir de Farias Júnior:
Technical Aspects of Software Development in Startups: A Systematic Mapping. 100-109 - Diogo Matheus Costa
, Eldânae Nogueira Teixeira, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner
Software Process Definition using Process Lines: A Systematic Literature Review. 110-119 - Gonzalo Sintas, Leticia Vaz Lutz, Daniel Calegari
, Marcos Viera:
Model-Driven Development of an Interpreter for the Object Constraint Language. 120-128 - Thiago Gottardi, Rosana Teresinha Vaccare Braga
Understanding the Successes and Challenges of Model-Driven Software Engineering - A Comprehensive Systematic Mapping. 129-138 - Vinícius Lima Cruz, Adriano Bessa Albuquerque:
A DevOps Introduction Process for Legacy Systems. 139-148
SLIOIA - Latin American Symposium on Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence
- Dayan de C. Bissoli, André Renato Sales Amaral:
A Hybrid Iterated Local Search Metaheuristic for the Flexible job Shop Scheduling Problem. 149-157 - Wagner A. S. Altoé, Dayan de C. Bissoli, Geraldo R. Mauri
, André Renato Sales Amaral:
A Clustering Search Metaheuristic for the Bi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem. 158-166 - Bruno Guilera, Italo Teixeira, Tiago Januario:
Heuristics for the Mirrored Tournament Traveling Tournament Problem Based on the Home-Away Swap Neighborhood. 167-175 - Oliviana Xavier do Nascimento, Luciana Vieira de Melo, Thiago Alves de Queiroz:
Exact Method for the Container Loading Problem with Priority and Stability. 176-183 - Marcelo Petri, Janine Kniess, Rafael Stubs Parpinelli:
Resource Scheduling for Mobility Scenarios with Time Constraints. 184-191 - Layane Rodrigues de Souza Queiroz
, Leandro Resende Mundim, Marina Andretta:
Genetic Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem with Irregular Shaped Items. 192-199 - Camilo de Lellis Barreto Junior
, Alexandre Cardoso, Edgard Lamounier
, Keiji Yamanaka:
Genetic Algorithm-Based Strategy for Routing in Virtual Electrical Substations Aiming for Security. 200-206 - Marcelly Homem Coelho, Vinicius Ferri Pereira, Edilene Cristiano de Figuere Valeriano, Luciana Bolan Frigo, Eliane Pozzebon
Application of Fuzzy Control in Embedded Sensing Systems for Beekeeping Monitoring. 207-214 - Gerson A. F. Urban, Diana Francisca Adamatti:
An Adaptive Agent Approach Using Personality and Emotions. 215-223 - Renato Dilli, Amanda Argou, Renata Reiser
, Adenauer C. Yamin:
Autonomic Ranking of Resources in IoT Exploring Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning. 224-233 - Guilherme Felippe Plichoski, Chidambaram Chidambaram, Rafael Stubs Parpinelli:
An Adjustable Face Recognition System for Illumination Compensation Based on Differential Evolution. 234-241 - Rodrigo Rodrigues Pires de Mello, Thiago Ângelo Gelaim, Ricardo Azambuja Silveira:
Negotiation Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems for Meeting Scheduling. 242-250 - Irapuru Florido, Roberto Tadeu Raittz
Hybrid Method for Automatic Music Labeling. 251-257 - Dario Brito Calçada, Renan de Padua, Solange Oliveira Rezende
Asymmetric Objective Measures Applied to Filter Association Rules Networks. 258-267 - Lusas S. Rodrigues, Solange O. Rezende
, Maria Fernanda Moura, Ricardo M. Marcacini
Agribusiness Time Series Forecasting using Perceptually Important Events. 268-277 - Margarita Constanza Bugueño
, Francisco Alejandro Mena
, Mauricio Araya
Refining Exoplanet Detection Using Supervised Learning and Feature Engineering. 278-287 - Diogo Santos Ortiz Correa, Fernando Santos Osório
3D Objects Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks. 288-293 - José Cupertino Ruiz Vargas, Sergio Ferraz Novaes, Raphael Cóbe, Rogério Iope, Silvio Luiz Stanzani, Thiago Tomei:
Shedding Light on Variational Autoencoders. 294-298
SLIS - Latin American Symposium on Computing and Society
- Heitor Freitas, Lucas Tomazela, Alef Vinicius Cardoso e Silva, Jó Ueyama
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Spread Natural Enemies for Biological Control in Dynamic Environments. 299-308 - Maria Renata de Mira Gobbo, Cinthyan Renata Sachs C. de Barbosa, Fernanda Mafort:
An APP Designed for the Literacy of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 309-317 - Fernanda Amancio, Marcelo Fantinato
, Patrick Hung, Gustavo Coutinho
, Jorge Roa:
Evaluation of the Perception of Brazilians about Smart Toys and Children's Privacy. 318-327 - Fabián Medina, Pablo A. Figueroa:
Prototype of a Serious Game for Peace Construction in a Colombian Context. 328-333 - Dâmaris Pires Arruda, Marcus Vinícius Alvim Andrade, Mauro Nacif Rocha, Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi, Fábio Chaves Fehlberg:
Development of a Framework to Improve the use of Mobile Devices by the Elderly. 334-343 - Natália J. S. de Oliveira, Sean W. M. Siqueira
, Leila C. V. de Andrade:
OntoMotivation: Combining Motivation Theories. 344-352 - Bruno Pedraça de Souza, Antônio Lucas Brígido da Costa, Bruno Araújo Bonifácio, Priscila Silva Fernandes
Applying Teaching Methods as Requirements to Develop Games to Assist Children with Learning Disabilities: A Case Study. 353-360 - Jorge Luis Bermeo Conto
, Miguel Ángel Zúñiga Prieto
, Boris Cabrera, Jorge Javier Maldonado Mahauad
Proposal of an Assistant for the Automation of the Design and Creation Process of Learning Objects. 361-368 - Ariella Quesada, Francisco J. Mata:
Free Software in Local Governments in Costa Rica: A Longitudinal Study. 369-377 - Felipe Cordeiro de Paula, Renata Mendes de Araujo
Technologies in the School Daily Life: Patent Survey in Brazil and the United States from 2000 to 2018. 378-387 - Antonio Pedro Santos Alves, Daniel Oliveira Gherard de Alencar, Antônio Márcio Gonçalo Filho, Sofia Costa Paiva, Dárlinton Barbosa Feres Carvalho
Development and Evaluation of a Chatbot for the Regional Museum of São João del-Rei. 388-397 - Fábio Andrews Rocha Marques, Leonardo Cunha de Miranda:
Nihongo Kotoba Shiken: A Computerized Exam of Japanese Lexical Proficiency. 398-407 - Christian Mendes, Leandro Batista de Almeida, Carlo Moro, Rodrigo Quisen:
Parana Fire Departament System - Mobile Application for Agile Communication with the Seaside Vacationers. 408-416 - Luis Diego Ramirez-Güell, Roberto Cortes Morales
A Proposal using an e-Participation Strategy for the Evaluation of Public Transport Service in Costa Rica. 417-426
SLMDI - Latin American Symposium on Data Management Systems
- Ricardo Almeida, Roger da Silva Machado, Diórgenes Yuri Leal da Rosa, Ana Marilza Pernas, Adenauer C. Yamin:
Hybrid Approach to Provide Situational Awareness for Information Security in Computational Environments. 427-435 - João Pedro Schmitt, Fabiano Baldo:
A Method to Suggest Alternative Routes Based on Analysis of Automobiles' Trajectories. 436-444 - Samuel Bruno da Silva Sousa
, Ronaldo de Castro Del-Fiaco, Lilian Berton:
Cluster Analysis of Homicide Rates in the Brazilian State of Goiás from 2002 to 2014. 445-454 - Marcos Fereira, Leandro Augusto da Silva:
Data Quality Measurement Framework. 455-463 - Clodis Boscarioli, Leticia Torres, Gustavo Rezende Krüger, Márcio Seiji Oyamada:
Evaluating the Impact of Data Modeling on OLAP Applications using Relacional and Columnar DBMS. 464-471 - Pedro Henrique Braga Siqueira, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira
, Marcos Vinicius Naves Bedo, Daniel dos Santos Kaster
Standard SQL Approaches for Similarity Searching. 472-481 - Gilberto Gutiérrez
, Miguel Romero, Fernando Domínguez:
Algorithm to Calculate the Hausdorff Distance on Sets of Points Represented by k2-Tree. 482-489 - Dildre Georgiana Vasques, Paulo Sérgio Martins, Solange Oliveira Rezende
A Semantic Approach to Uncovering Implicit Relationships in Textual Databases. 490-499 - Emilio Luis Faria Rodrigues, Augusto Lopes da Silva, Sandro José Rigo, Denis A. de Araujo:
Natural Language Question Generation from Connected Open Data: A Study of Possibilities. 500-508 - Sediane Carmem Lunardi Hernandes, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz
, Alcides Calsavara:
An Architecture of Fog Computing in Smart Cities: the Middleware E2BS in Emergency Calls. 509-518 - José Ortiz, Xavier Sumba, José Segarra
, Víctor Saquicela
Semantically Identifying Regional-Indexed Publications, a Web-Exploring Approach. 519-526 - Franklin Luis Antonio Cruz Gamero
, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Cáceres:
Optimization of BLAST Seed Indexing in the Alignment of DNA Sequences with GPU using CUDA. 527-532
SLPNASO - Latin American Symposium on Business Processes, Architectures and Enterprise Systems
- Gustavo Caetano Borges, Rodrigo Sanches Miani:
On the Adoption of ICT Best Practices in Brazilian Federal Higher Education Institutions. 533-541 - Rômulo Manciola Meloca, Reginaldo Ré
, André Luís Schwerz
An Analysis of Frameworks for Microservices. 542-551 - Michael Arias, Maíra R. Marques, Eric Rojas:
Using Process Mining in Agile Software Development Methodologies: A Systematic Mapping Study. 552-561 - Natália Pereira de Oliveira, Marcelo Fantinato
, Lucinéia Heloisa Thom
Evaluation of Reproducibility and Accuracy of the Business Process Point Analysis Technique. 562-571 - Raquel Sosa, Miguel Merlino:
Geolocated Alert Services on E-Government Based on Messagge Oriented Middleware. 572-581 - Andrea Delgado
Monitoring and Analyzing Service Execution from Business Processes: An AXIS Extension. 582-589
SLCGRVPI - Latin American Symposium on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Image Processing
- Diego Passos Costa, Paulo N. M. Sampaio, Valéria Farinazzo Martins:
Gesture3DFramework: A Generic Gesture-Based Interaction Middleware Applied to 3D Environments. 590-598 - Manuel Iglesias, Lucas Guaycochea, Javier Luiso, María Victoria Galán:
Shader Framework Implementation for the Management of Multiple Effects. 599-605 - Carlos Torres, Pablo A. Figueroa:
Learning How to Play a Guitar with the HoloLens: A Case Study. 606-611 - Raphael Leite Serapião, Jeferson Vieira Ramos, Anita Maria da Rocha Fernandes:
Multiple-Volume Volumetric Rendering Using Graphic Accelerator. 612-621 - Sebastian Wilde Alarcón Arenas, Yessenia Yari, Graciela Meza-Lovon:
A Document Layout Analysis Method Based on Morphological Operators and Connected Components. 622-631 - Vicente Enrique Machaca Arceda
, Elian Laura Riveros:
Fast car Crash Detection in Video. 632-637 - Adriana Coronel, Monserrat Mora, Luis G. Moré, Diego Pinto Roa, José Luis Vázquez Noguera:
Analysis of the Image Quality in a Multiobjective Context Based on SMPSO-CLAHE. 638-644 - Sandra Serafino, Benjamin Cicerchia
, Juan P. Mitriatti, Agustín Balmer, Martín Faroppa, Claudia Russo, Hugo Ramón:
Digital Recording of Temporal Sequences of Images Applied to the Analysis of the Phenological Evolution of Maize Crops. 645-653 - Cedric Monteiro, Eduardo S. Ogasawara, Laercio Gonçalves, João Roberto de Toledo Quadros:
Control and Security System for Classroom Access Based on Facial Recognition. 654-661
SLIHS - Latin American Symposium on Infrastructure, Hardware and Software
- Angel Gil
, José Aguilar, Eduard Puerto
, Eladio Dapena
Emergence Analysis in a Multi-Robot System. 662-669 - Fabrício Neitzke Ferreira
, Leonardo da Rosa Silveira João, João Ladislau Lopes, Adenauer C. Yamin, Luciano Volcan Agostini:
Intravenous Electromedical Equipment: A Proposal to Improve Accuracy in Generating Alerts. 670-679 - Leonardo da Rosa Silveira João, Roger da Silva Machado, Verônica Tabim
, Anderson Cardoso, João Ladislau Lopes, Ana Marilza Pernas Fleischmann, Adenauer Corrêa Yamin:
Applying the Internet of Things in Precision Viticulture: An Approach Exploring the EXEHDA Middleware. 680-687 - Euclides Cardoso, Charles Christian Miers
, Maurício A. Pillon, Fernando F. Redígolo, Guilherme Piêgas Koslovski:
Virtual Infrastructures on the Move: Containers and Virtual Network Migration. 688-697 - Leonardo Henrique da Silva Bomfim, Edilayne Meneses Salgueiro, Ricardo Jose Paiva de Britto Salgueiro:
An Anonymization Service for Software-Defined Networks. 698-707 - Everson L. Rosa Lucion, Raul Ceretta Nunes:
Software Defined Perimeter: Improvements in the Security of Single Packet Authorization and user Authentication. 708-717 - Diórgenes Yuri Leal da Rosa, Ricardo Borges Almeida, Roger da Silva Machado, Adenauer C. Yamin, Ana Marilza Pernas Fleischmann:
An Ontological Approach to Situational Awareness Applied to Information Security. 718-727 - José Ignacio Aliaga
, Ernesto Dufrechou
, Pablo Ezzatti
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí:
Extending ILUPACK with a GPU Version of the BiCGStab Method. 728-734 - Julio Cezar Rutke, Janine Kniess:
Architecture with Internet of Things for Counting Passengers in Urban Bus. 735-743
SLTC - Latin American Symposium on Theory of Computation
- Gabriel Linhares, Guilherme Costa, Leonardo Jacobson, Lucio Rodrigues, Vitor Ballabenute, Guilherme Wachs-Lopes, Paulo Rodrigues:
Parallel Approach to the Firefly Algorithm. 744-748 - Federico Flaviani:
Inference of the Definition of the Predicate Transformer wp with Occurrences of the Predicate Domain Based on Denotational Semantics of GCL on ZF Set Theory. 749-758
SIESC - Iberoamerican Congress on Higher Education in Computing
- Francisco J. Torres-Rojas:
The Examiner: Automatic Generation of "Good" Exams. 759-768 - Pedro Fonseca Solano, Irene Hernández Ruiz:
Olympiad in Educational Robotics The Experience in the Use of ICT in a University Project to Help Costa Rican Youth to Avoid Drug Consumption. 769-773 - Ricardo de la Rocha Ladeira, Rafael Rodrigues Obelheiro:
Automatic Challenge Generation for Teaching Computer Security. 774-783 - Tatiane Gomes Guimarães, Raquel Oliveira Prates:
HCI Education in Brazil in the Light of Curricula Guidelines. 784-793 - Cláudia Zambon, Marcello Thiry:
Ludic Practices to Support the Development of Software Engineering Educational Games: A Systematic Review. 794-802 - Valeria Farinazzo Martins, Marcelo de Paiva Guimarães:
Using Game Development to Measure Motivation, Engagement, and Proficiency of Students in Human-Computer Interaction Discipline. 803-810 - Fabiana Rocha, Vitor Bremgartner
, Marcel Valim, Bruno A. Bonifácio, Priscila Silva Fernandes
The Influence of the Student's Personality Type on the Preference of the Computer Science Learning Process. 811-819 - Víctor Theoktisto
A Functional Paradigm using the C Language for Teaching Programming for Engineers. 820-828 - María Fernanda Papa
, María Valeria de Castro
, Pablo Becker, Esperanza Marcos Martínez, Luis Olsina:
Monitoring Strategy for Analyzing the First-Year University Students' Performance According to Their Profiles of Provenance. 829-838 - Leo Natan Paschoal
, Myke Morais de Oliveira
, Patricia Mariotto Mozzaquatro Chicon:
A Chatterbot Sensitive to Student's Context to Help on Software Engineering Education. 839-848 - Alejandra Carboni, Víctor Koleszar, Gonzalo Tejera
, Marcos Viera, Javier Wagner:
MateFun: Functional Programming and Math with Adolescents. 849-858 - Evelyn Maria Aranda Acuna, Jose Luis Vazquez Noguera, Cynthia Villalba:
Medical terminology server for the hospital of clinics of Paraguay. 1-10 - Derlis A. Garcete, Jose Luis Vazquez Noguera, Cynthia Villalba:
Centralized indoor positioning system using bluetooth low energy. 1-10

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