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44th CISS 2010: Princeton University, NJ, USA
- 44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2010, Princeton, NJ, USA, 17-19 March 2010. IEEE 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7416-5
- A. Robert Calderbank, Peter J. Ramadge:
Welcome. 1-2 - Dan Zhang, Konstantinos Nikitopoulos, I-Wei Lai, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr:
Iterative channel estimation control for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-6 - Nam Yul Yu:
A Theoretical study of peak-to-average power ratio in Reed-Muller coded multicarrier CDMA. 1-6 - Yang Zhang, Saleem A. Kassam:
Complex blind source separation: optimal nonlinearity and approximation. 1-6 - Konstantinos Drakakis:
Some results on the degrees of freedom of Costas arrays. 1-5 - Konstantinos Drakakis, Aishwarya Moni, Scott T. Rickard, Ken Taylor:
A new algorithm for receiver/transmitter localization on the plane. 1-6 - Osvaldo Simeone
, Elza Erkip
, Shlomo Shamai
On exploiting the interference structure for reliable communications. 1-6 - Ira S. Moskowitz:
Approximations for the capacity of binary input discrete memoryless channels. 1-5 - Deepak R. Joshi, Dimitrie C. Popescu, Octavia A. Dobre
Adaptive spectrum sensing with noise variance estimation for dynamic cognitive radio systems. 1-5 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
Unsupervised Hebbian learning by recurrent multilayer neural networks for temporal hierarchical pattern recognition. 1-6 - Junwei Zhang, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Relay beamforming strategies for physical-layer security. 1-6 - Gang Xiong, Shalinee Kishore, Aylin Yener:
Cost constrained spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Gang Xiong, Shalinee Kishore, Aylin Yener:
On performance evaluation of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Christopher S. Chang, Matthew Klimesh:
Coding for parallel links to maximize expected decodable-message value. 1-6 - Kiattisak Maichalernnukul, Feng Zheng, Thomas Kaiser:
UWB MIMO cooperative relay systems: BER analysis and relay regions. 1-6 - Sheng-Luen Wei, John J. Shynk:
A direction-finding algorithm based on a reversed antenna array. 1-4 - Sami Akin, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Ergodic capacity analysis in cognitive radio systems under channel uncertainty. 1-5 - Chung Chan
, Lizhong Zheng:
Mutual dependence for secret key agreement. 1-6 - Sheng-Luen Wei, John J. Shynk:
Sensitivity of phase-based doa estimators to beamformer mismatch. 1-4 - Kun Qiu, Aleksandar Dogandzic
Double overrelaxation thresholding methods for sparse signal reconstruction. 1-6 - Jarvis D. Haupt, Lorne Applebaum, Robert D. Nowak:
On the Restricted Isometry of deterministically subsampled Fourier matrices. 1-6 - Colin W. Jemmott, R. Lee Culver, Brett E. Bissinger, Charles F. Gaumond:
An information theoretic performance bound for passive sonar localization of a moving source. 1-5 - Zhi Zhang, Fei Li:
Dynamic power management algorithms in maximizing net profit. 1-5 - Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi, Sajjad Rizvi, Muhammad Saleem, Syed Ali Khayam, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Veselin Rakocevic:
An energy efficient Clique-based CDS discovery protocol for wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Fulu Li:
Analysis on the complexity of the problem to construct the most parsimonious phylogenetic trees. 1-6 - Rick S. Blum:
Ordering for estimation. 1-6 - Tao Wu, Qi Cheng
Efficient distributed estimators in wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Engin Zeydan
, Didem Kivanc-Tureli, Cristina Comaniciu, Uf Tureli
Bottleneck throughput maximization for correlated data routing: a game theoretic approach. 1-6 - Chuanming Wei, Qian He, Rick S. Blum:
Cramer-Rao bound for joint location and velocity estimation in multi-target non-coherent MIMO radars. 1-6 - Farzad Moazzami, Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes
Application of a blind channel estimator for source separation in MIMO systems. 1-6 - Arash Komaee:
State estimation from space-time point process observations with an application in optical beam tracking. 1-6 - Aditya Mahajan
, Sekhar Tatikonda:
Opportunistic capacity and error exponent regions for variable length communication over compound channel with feedback. 1-6 - Chunxuan Ye, Alex Reznik:
A simple secret key construction system for broadcasting model. 1-6 - Hannan Ma, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Benjamin Belzer:
Feedback probability sorting and LLR-based SED search for iterative row-column 2D ISI equalization. 1-6 - Adam J. Tenenbaum, Raviraj S. Adve:
Energy optimization across training and data for multiuser minimum sum-MSE linear precoding. 1-6 - Lei Zhou, Wei Yu:
On the symmetric capacity of the K-user symmetric cyclic Gaussian interference channel. 1-4 - Jing Liu, Kefei Lu, Xiaodong Cai:
Distributed error-probability-minimizing relay selection for cooperative wireless networks. 1-6 - Ka-Hung Hui, Yalin Evren Sagduyu, Dongning Guo, Randall A. Berry
The maximum stable broadcast throughput for wireless line networks with network coding and topology control. 1-6 - Fangfang Zhu, Biao Chen:
The sum rate optimality of the naïve FDM for the Gaussian Interference Channel within a computable Han-Kobayashi subregion. 1-4 - Hsinlun Tsai, Masoud Salehi
Nonlinear turbo TCM schemes over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. 1-4 - Jing Yang
, Sennur Ulukus:
Transmission completion time minimization in an energy harvesting system. 1-6 - Husheng Li, Lijun Qian:
Enhancing the reliability of cognitive radio networks via channel assignment: risk analysis and redundancy allocation. 1-6 - Ciira Wa Maina
, John MacLaren Walsh:
Joint speech enhancement and speaker identification using approximate Bayesian inference. 1-6 - Paul Cotae
, Ira S. Moskowitz, Myong H. Kang:
Eigenvalue characterization of the capacity of discrete memoryless channels with invertible channel matrices. 1-6 - Huaihai Guo, Ali Abdi, Aijun Song
, Mohsen Badiey:
Characterization of delay and Doppler spreads of underwater particle velocity channels using zero crossing rates. 1-6 - Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Desmond C. McLernon
, Mounir Ghogho:
Outage probability analysis of cognitive radio networks under self-coexistence constraint. 1-6 - Philip Schniter:
Turbo reconstruction of structured sparse signals. 1-6 - C. Chen, Ali Abdi, Aijun Song
, Mohsen Badiey:
Digital transmission via underwater acoustic particle velocity channels. 1-6 - Kun Zheng, Husheng Li, Seddik M. Djouadi, Jun Wang:
Spectrum sensing in low SNR regime via stochastic resonance. 1-5 - Fulu Li, James Barabas, Ankit Mohan, Ramesh Raskar:
Analysis on errors due to photon noise and quantization process with multiple images. 1-6 - Mehwish Nasim
, Saad B. Qaisar
Hierarchical MIMO: A clustering approach for Ad hoc wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Xun Chen, Rick S. Blum:
Non-coherent MIMO radar in a non-Gaussian noise-plus-clutter environment. 1-6 - Sina Firouzabadi, Daniel O'Neill, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Distributed wireless network utility maximization. 1-6 - Jingge Zhu
, Slawomir Stanczak, Gunther Reißig:
Stabilization of linear dynamical systems with scalar quantizers under communication constraints. 1-6 - Jochen Maes, Carl J. Nuzman, Adriaan J. de Lind van Wijngaarden
, Danny Van Bruyssel:
Pilot-based crosstalk channel estimation for vector-enabled VDSL systems. 1-6 - Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin
From non-causality to causality: degrees of freedom of the interference relay channel. 1-6 - Yueqian Li, Masoud Salehi
Quasi-cyclic ldpc code design for block-fading channels. 1-5 - Virgilio Rodriguez, Rudolf Mathar:
Generalised water-filling: costly power optimally allocated to sub-carriers under a general concave performance function. 1-3 - Virgilio Rodriguez, Rudolf Mathar:
Simple decentralised market-oriented allocation of sub-channels and power for access-point to terminal multi-carrier communication. 1-5 - Lauren M. Huie, Mark L. Fowler:
Emitter location in the presence of information injection. 1-6 - Gubong Lim, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Partitioned one-bit feedback for cooperative beamforming. 1-5 - Xiao Liang, Chunming Zhao, Ming Jiang:
Precoding optimization for joint relay and QoS-constrained data transmission in cooperative wireless network. 1-6 - Tuan Do, Brian L. Mark:
Cooperative communication with regenerative relays for cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Pin-Hsun Lin, Shih-Chun Lin, Hsuan-Jung Su
, Yao-Win Peter Hong
Cognitive radio with unidirectional transmitter and receiver cooperations. 1-5 - Athichart Tangpong, George Kesidis:
File-sharing costs and quality-of-service. 1-6 - Robert D. Preuss, D. Richard Brown:
Retrodirective distributed transmit beamforming with two-way source synchronization. 1-6 - Ali Munir, Saad B. Qaisar
Coded rate control protocol (C-RCP) for lossy channels. 1-6 - Ali ParandehGheibi, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Michelle Effros, Muriel Médard:
Optimal reverse carpooling over wireless networks - a distributed optimization approach. 1-6 - Jon Carmelo Russo, Keith G. Erickson, James K. Beard
Costas array search technique that maximizes backtrack and symmetry exploitation. 1-8 - Yiming Chen, Benjamin Belzer, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar:
Iterative row-column soft-decision feedback algorithm using joint extrinsic information for two-dimensional intersymbol interference. 1-6 - Guillaume Gigaud, Pierre Moulin:
Traitor-tracing aided by compressed SURF image features. 1-6 - Christopher Hunter, Patrick Murphy, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Real-time testbed implementation of a distributed cooperative MAC and PHY. 1-6 - Balaji Rengarajan, Alexander L. Stolyar, Harish Viswanathan:
Self-organizing Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse on the uplink of OFDMA systems. 1-6 - Zhenghao Zhang, Husheng Li, Changxing Pei:
Optimum experimental design for estimating spatial variogram in cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Lingjia Liu, Young-Han Nam
, Jianzhong Zhang:
Proportional fair scheduling for multi-cell multi-user MIMO systems. 1-6 - Chenzi Jiang, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Nageen Himayat:
Interference mitigation with MIMO precoding in femtocellular systems. 1-6 - Manik Raina, Predrag Spasojevic
Decoding complexity of irregular LDGM-LDPC codes over the BISOM channels. 1-6 - Zhen Zhao, Steven Weber, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira:
Admission control and preemption policy design of multi-class computer networks. 1-6 - Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus:
On Gaussian MIMO compound wiretap channels. 1-6 - Qiong Shi, Cristina Comaniciu:
Efficient cooperative detection for wireless sentinel networks. 1-6 - Osman Yagan, Armand M. Makowski:
Connectivity in random graphs induced by a key predistribution scheme - small key pools. 1-6 - Huahui Wang, Leonard E. Lightfoot, Tongtong Li:
On PHY-layer security of cognitive radio: Collaborative sensing under malicious attacks. 1-6 - Nicola Varanese, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Umberto Spagnolini:
On the synchronization rate of distributed medium access protocols. 1-6 - Ralf M. Bendlin, Yih-Fang Huang, Michel T. Ivrlac, Josef A. Nossek
Cost-constrained transmit processing in wireless cellular networks with universal frequency reuse. 1-6 - Oliver Kosut, Liyan Jia, Robert J. Thomas, Lang Tong:
Limiting false data attacks on power system state estimation. 1-6 - Ananth V. Kini, Steven Weber, Fadi A. Aloul, Nagarajan Kandasamy:
Transmission coordination for ad hoc networks. 1-6 - Joydeep Tripathi, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira, Jean-Philippe Vasseur:
A performance evaluation study of RPL: Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks. 1-6 - Abdolreza Abdolhosseini Moghadam, Hayder Radha:
Complex sparse projections for compressed sensing. 1-6 - Engin Masazade
, Ruixin Niu, Pramod K. Varshney, Mehmet Keskinöz
A probabilistic transmission scheme for distributed estimation in wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Depeng Yang, Husheng Li, Gregory D. Peterson:
Message passing Bayesian Compressed Sensing for UWB pulse acquisition. 1-5 - Renbin Peng, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney:
Noise-refined image enhancement using multi-objective optimization. 1-6 - Xue-Bin Liang:
A fast algorithm for computing the capacity of discrete memoryless channels. 1-6 - Silvija Kokalj-Filipovic, Fabrice Le Fessant:
Personal Social Graph as an anonymous vehicle for P2P applications: The cost of renting trusted connections. 1-6 - Chengyu Xiong, Xiaohua Li:
Minimum cost optimization of multicast wireless networks with network coding. 1-5 - Inaki Esnaola
, Rafael E. Carrillo
, Javier Garcia-Frías
, Kenneth E. Barner:
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit based recovery for correlated sources with partially disjoint supports. 1-6 - Hassan Abid, Saad B. Qaisar
Distributed video coding for wireless visual sensor networks using low power Huffman coding. 1-6 - Anbu Elancheziyan, Jeffrey Wildman, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira, Steven Weber:
System for controlled testing of sensor networks. 1-6 - Ying Li, Zhouyue Pi, Baowei Ji, Farooq Khan:
Efficiently and reliably indentifying the accessibility of femtocells in heterogeneous networks. 1-5 - Pedro E. Santacruz, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Statistical resource decoupling in random access interference channel. 1-5 - Jeannie L. Moulton, Saleem A. Kassam:
High-resolution coherent reflector location with multi-frequency active virtual arrays. 1-5 - Naveen Mysore, Jan Bajcsy:
BER bounding techniques for selected turbo coded MIMO systems in Rayleigh fading. 1-6 - Liang Chen:
On rate region bounds of broadcast relay channels. 1-6 - Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes
, Ermias Shiferaw, Farzad Moazzami:
Effect of spatial correlation on blind source separation in MIMO systems. 1-6 - Yi-Lin Tsai, Christopher Rose
MIMO power strategies for limited transmitter CSI. 1-4 - Nicholas Ruozzi, Sekhar Tatikonda:
Unconstrained minimization of quadratic functions via min-sum. 1-5 - J. Daniel Park
, David J. Miller, John F. Doherty, Stephen C. Thompson:
Feasibility of range estimation using sonar LPI. 1-6 - Paolo Casari
, Davide Chiarotto, Michele Zorzi:
On the impact of transmit waveforms on channel estimation inaccuracies in distributed MIMO ad hoc networks. 1-6 - Kianoush Hosseini, Raviraj S. Adve:
Comprehensive node selection and power allocation in multi-source cooperative mesh networks. 1-6 - Rami Halloush, Hayder Radha:
Practical Distributed Video Coding based on source rate estimation. 1-6 - Behrouz Khoshnevis, Wei Yu:
High resolution channel quantization rules for multiuser spatial multiplexing systems. 1-6 - Ehsan Karamad, Raviraj Adve:
Fractional cooperation and the max-min rate in a multi-source cooperative network. 1-6 - Arash Komaee:
Maximum likelihood and minimum mean squared error estimations for measurement of light intensity. 1-6 - Leonard E. Lightfoot, Lei Zhang, Tongtong Li:
Performance of QO-STBC-OFDM in partial-band noise jamming. 1-6 - Saeed Abdallah, Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos:
Semi-blind channel estimation for amplify-and-forward two-way relay networks employing constant-modulus constellations. 1-5 - Aravind Kailas, Mary Ann Ingram:
Alternating cooperative transmissions for a strip-shaped sensor network. 1-6 - François D. Côté, Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos, Warren J. Gross:
On the code tracking performance of GNSS modulation. 1-5 - John Kountouriotis, Xin Liu, Athina P. Petropulu, Kapil R. Dandekar
ALOHA with Collision Resolution: MAC layer analysis and software defined radio implementation. 1-6 - Fang Yi, Yang Yi, Lingjia Liu:
Optimal fusion scheme in wireless sensor networks under sum-rate capacity constraint. 1-4 - Yan Xin, Lifeng Lai:
Fast wideband spectrum scanning for multi-channel cognitive radio systems. 1-6 - Soumya Jana, Richard E. Blahut:
Vanishing criteria in multiterminal source coding. 1-6 - Muhammad Usman Ilyas
, Hayder Radha:
A KLT-inspired node centrality for identifying influential neighborhoods in graphs. 1-7 - Ertugrul Necdet Ciftcioglu, Yalin Evren Sagduyu, Aylin Yener, Randall A. Berry
Queue based compression in a two-way relay network. 1-6 - Hyun Gu Kang, Iickho Song
, Yun Hee Kim, Taehun An, Dongjin Kim:
Spectrum sensing based on nonlinear combining for cognitive radio with receive diversity. 1-6 - Akram Aldroubi
, Romain Tessera:
Minimum subspace approximation property for sparse approximations in finite dimension. 1-3 - Petros Boufounos
, Gitta Kutyniok
, Holger Rauhut
Average case analysis of sparse recovery from combined fusion frame measurements. 1-6 - Bernhard G. Bodmann, Peter G. Casazza, Gitta Kutyniok
Upper and lower redundancy of finite frames. 1-6 - Bernhard G. Bodmann, Helen J. Elwood:
Seidel's legacy and the existence of complex equiangular Parseval frames. 1-6 - Rony El Haddad, Brian Smith, Sriram Vishwanath:
On models for multi-user Gaussian channels with fading. 1-6 - Matthew A. Herman, Deanna Needell:
Mixed operators in compressed sensing. 1-6 - Paul W. Gorley, Nick S. Holliman:
Investigating symmetric and asymmetric stereoscopic compression using the PSNR image quality metric. 1-6 - Laurent Blondé
, Didier Doyen, Thierry Borel:
3D stereo rendering challenges and techniques. 1-6 - Maxim Raginsky, Sina Jafarpour, Rebecca Willett
, A. Robert Calderbank:
Fishing in Poisson streams: Focusing on the whales, ignoring the minnows. 1-6 - Guangliang Chen, Mauro Maggioni
Multiscale geometric wavelets for the analysis of point clouds. 1-6 - Pablo Sprechmann, Ignacio Ramírez, Guillermo Sapiro, Yonina C. Eldar:
Collaborative hierarchical sparse modeling. 1-6 - C. Sinan Güntürk, Mark Lammers
, Alexander M. Powell, Rayan Saab, Özgür Yilmaz:
Sobolev duals of random frames. 1-5 - Ha Q. Nguyen, Vivek K. Goyal, Lav R. Varshney:
Frame permutation quantization. 1-6 - Mehdi Mohseni, George Ginis, John M. Cioffi:
Dynamic spectrum management for mixtures of vectored and non-vectored DSL systems. 1-6 - Ioannis Stamos:
Automated registration of 3D-range with 2D-color images: an overview. 1-6 - Daniel Huber, Burcu Akinci
, Pingbo Tang
, Antonio Adán
, Brian Okorn, Xuehan Xiong:
Using laser scanners for modeling and analysis in architecture, engineering, and construction. 1-6 - Nikolaus Karpinsky, Song Zhang
High-resolution 4-D imaging using fringe analysis. 1-6 - Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys
, Svetlana Lazebnik, Brian Clipp, David Gallup, Rahul Raguram, Changchang Wu:
Fast robust reconstruction of large-scale environments. 1-6 - Guy Godin, Louis Borgeat, J.-Angelo Beraldin, François Blais:
Issues in acquiring, processing and visualizing large and detailed 3D models. 1-6 - C. Sinan Güntürk, Mark Lammers
, Alexander M. Powell, Rayan Saab, Özgür Yilmaz:
Sigma delta quantization for compressed sensing. 1-6 - Petros Boufounos
, M. Salman Asif
Compressive sampling for streaming signals with sparse frequency content. 1-6 - Christopher J. Rozell, Han Lun Yap, Jae Young Park, Michael B. Wakin:
Concentration of measure for block diagonal matrices with repeated blocks. 1-6 - Changxin Shi, Randall A. Berry
, Michael L. Honig:
Adaptive beamforming in interference networks via bi-directional training. 1-6 - Behtash Babadi, Vahid Tarokh:
Random frames from binary linear block codes. 1-3 - Chinmay S. Vaze, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
A large-system analysis of the imperfect-CSIT Gaussian broadcast channel with a DPC-based transmission strategy. 1-5 - Milind S. Gide, Lina J. Karam
On the assessment of the quality of textures in visual media. 1-5 - Sundeep Rangan:
Estimation with random linear mixing, belief propagation and compressed sensing. 1-6 - Hoon Huh, Antonia M. Tulino
, Giuseppe Caire:
Network MIMO large-system analysis and the impact of CSIT Estimation. 1-6 - Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
On decoding equations with partial channel state information. 1-4 - Radu V. Balan:
On signal reconstruction from its spectrogram. 1-4 - Tao Liu, Glenn L. Cash, Wen Chen, Chunhua Chen, Jeffrey A. Bloom:
Real-time video quality monitoring for mobile devices. 1-6 - Joel A. Tropp:
The sparsity gap: Uncertainty principles proportional to dimension. 1-6 - Frank M. Ciaramello, Jung Ko, Sheila S. Hemami:
Quality versus intelligibility: Evaluating the coding trade-offs for American Sign Language video. 1-5 - Arian Maleki, Andrea Montanari:
Analysis of approximate message passing algorithm. 1-7 - Vaneet Aggarwal
, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
How (information theoretically) optimal are distributed decisions? 1-5 - Holger Rauhut
, Rachel A. Ward
Efficient and stable recovery of Legendre-sparse polynomials. 1-6 - Wei Yu, Taesoo Kwon, Changyong Shin:
Joint scheduling and dynamic power spectrum optimization for wireless multicell networks. 1-6 - Muhammad Salman Asif
, Justin K. Romberg:
On the LASSO and Dantzig selector equivalence. 1-6 - Sadegh Jokar:
Sparse recovery and Kronecker products. 1-4 - Yen-Fu Ou, Zhan Ma, Yao Wang
Modeling the impact of frame rate and quantization stepsizes and their temporal variations on perceptual video quality: A review of recent works. 1-6 - Philip A. Whiting:
A review of crosstalk estimation methods using SNR feedback. 1-6 - René-Jean Essiambre, Gerhard Kramer
, Gerard J. Foschini, Peter J. Winzer:
Optical fiber and information theory. 1-5 - Chandrasekharan Raman, Gerard J. Foschini, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Roy D. Yates, Narayan B. Mandayam:
Relaying in downlink cellular systems. 1-6

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