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22nd APCC 2016: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 25-27, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-0676-2
- Susumu Nishihara, Shigeru Kuwano, Kenji Miyamoto, Jun Terada, Akihiro Otaka:
Study on protocol and required bandwidth for 5G mobile fronthaul in C-RAN architecture with MAC-PHY split. 1-5 - Jalaluddin Qureshi
Random linear fountain code with improved decoding success probability. 6-11 - Carlos Andres Lozano-Garzon
, Yezid Donoso, Pere Vilà:
Selection model based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for coordinated multi point schemes. 12-19 - Ramprasad Subramanian, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, Xiaoying Kong:
Benchmarking of real-time LTE network in dynamic environment. 20-25 - Theerat Sakdejayont, Chun-Hao Liao, Makoto Suzuki, Hiroyuki Morikawa:
Making preamble shorter in OFDM real-time wireless control systems. 26-31 - Han Jun Kim, Kyung-Hoon Lee, Hyung-Jin Choi:
A multiple PRS transmission based quantization error reduction for 3GPP LTE systems. 32-37 - Yasunori Suzuki, Shoichi Narahashi:
Power amplifier configuration for Massive-MIMO transmitter. 38-43 - Nayla Najati
, Basari
, Eko Tjipto Rahardjo, Fitri Yuli Zulkifli:
Monopole-like meander microstrip antenna onboard microsatellite for telecommand applications. 44-48 - Subuh Pramono
, Tommi Hariyadi
Effect of partial groundplane on 4-element MIMO antenna performance for 2300 MHz (Band 40). 49-53 - Kuruvilla Mathew, Biju Issac
, Tan Chong Eng:
Evaluation of antenna performance for use in wide band wireless protocols. 54-61 - Indra Surjati
, Yuli Kurnia Ningsih, Syah Alam
Stacked Ultra Wide Band ring rectangular microstrip antenna fed by coplanar waveguide. 62-65 - A. A. Pramudita:
Input impedance model of planar dipole antenna for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). 66-69 - Rudy Yuwono
, Desriyar Hafidh Pratama:
Design of microstrip antenna for serial data communication. 70-75 - Qiqing Yang, Jie Ding, Jing Yang:
Secrecy outage probability of dual-hop DF cognitive relay networks under interference constraints. 76-80 - Fantong Kong, Qi Zhang, Zhiquan Bai, Shanshan Peng, Shangqian Sun, Kyung-Sup Kwak:
Multiband scheme design for multiple NBIs suppression based OS-OCC UWB system. 81-85 - Yussi Perdana Saputera
, Folin Oktafiani, Yuyu Wahyu, Achmad Munir
Side lobe suppression for X-band array antenna using Dolph-Chebyshev power distribution. 86-89 - Yudi Andrean Phanama, Cecile Duthoit, Riri Fitri Sari:
Aware-D: Voice recognition-based driving awareness detection. 90-95 - Mohammad Nur Hasan, Khoirul Anwar
Joint decoding for multiway multirelay networks with coded random access. 96-102 - Asmath Fahad Thaha, Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin
, Subarmaniam Kannan, Nazrul Muhaimin Ahmad
Data location aware scheduling for virtual Hadoop cluster deployment on private cloud computing environment. 103-109 - Rino A. Nugroho
, Tiyas Nur Haryani:
Generation X and generation Y perception towards Internet of Things in public service: A preliminary study in Indonesia. 110-114 - Hans Chandra, Erwin Anggadjaja
, Pranata Setya Wijaya, Edy Gunawan:
Internet of Things: Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update in Lightweight mesh network protocol for smart urban development. 115-118 - Nora Nailul Amal
, Diah Kusumawati, Faizatul Ansoriyah:
Join my group: Evidences of Whatsapp use to run a better breakfast streetfood business. 119-123 - Guruh Fajar Shidik
, Nani Sri Sulistyowati, Manggiardi B. W. Tirta:
Evaluation of cluster K-Means as VM selection in dynamic VM consolidation. 124-128 - Ahmed Galib Reza
, June-Koo Kevin Rhee:
A simple M-branch diversity receiver model for PMD-induced penalty mitigation in IM-DD optical transmission systems. 129-133 - Junhee Cho, Wonyong Sung:
Evaluation of block turbo codes for long-haul optical networks. 134-138 - Makni Sana, Monia Najjar, Taoufik Aguili:
Optimisation of second harmonic generation by using photonic crystal cavity. 139-143 - Zaineb Gharsallah, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani:
Slow light optimization in symmetric photonic crystal waveguide with elliptical holes. 144-147 - Sana Rebhi, Monia Najjar, Houria Rezig:
Performance analysis of a 2 Tb/s DWDM system based on narrow channel spacing and multi-diagonal code. 148-152 - Dhouha Krichen, Walid Abdallah, Noureddine Boudriga:
An optical wireless network for railways condition monitoring. 153-160 - Aboagye Adjaye Isaac, Yongsheng Cao, Fushen Chen, Affum Emmanuel Ampoma:
Performance of 40, 80 and 112 Gb/s PDM-DQPSK optical label switching system with spectral amplitude code labels. 161-166 - Ehab Ahmed Ibrahim, Ehab Farouk Badran
, Mohamed R. M. Rizk
A power-distance based handover triggering algorithm for LTE-R using WINNERII-D2a channel model. 167-173 - Houda Mzoughi, Faouzi Zarai, Lotfi Kamoun:
Interference-limited radio resources allocation in LTE_A system with MIH cooperation. 174-179 - Jun Shikida, Naoto Ishii, Yoshikazu Kakura:
Performance analysis of low complexity multi-user MIMO scheduling schemes for massive MIMO system. 180-184 - Ramprasad Subramanian, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, Xiaoying Kong:
Performance comparison of packet scheduling algorithms in LTE-A HetNets. 185-190 - Yao-Jen Liang, Yi-Lin Tsai, Kai Chiang:
A dynamic resource allocation scheme in femtocell networks considering user mobility. 191-196 - Ehab Ahmed Ibrahim, Ehab Farouk Badran
, Mohamed R. M. Rizk
An optimized LTE measurement handover procedure for high speed trains using WINNER II channel model. 197-203 - Hajar Ziglari, Saadiah Yahya:
Deployment models: Enhancing security in cloud computing environment. 204-209 - Syafril Bandara, Takeshi Yashiro, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura:
Access control framework for API-enabled devices in smart buildings. 210-217 - Sugiarto Hartono, Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja
Decision support system model to determine contribution of own source revenue towards regional government. 218-221 - Sarra Berrahal, Noureddine Boudriga, Antoine B. Bagula
Cooperative sensor-clouds for public safety services in infrastructure-less areas. 222-229 - Vinh Hoa La
, Raul Fuentes, Ana R. Cavalli:
A novel monitoring solution for 6LoWPAN-based Wireless Sensor Networks. 230-237 - Jie Ding, Rui Wang, Xiao Chen:
Performance modeling and evaluation of real-time traffic status query for intelligent traffic systems. 238-242 - Jie Ding, Leijie Sha, Xiao Chen:
Modeling and evaluating IaaS cloud using performance evaluation process algebra. 243-247 - Fenfen Ke, Minghe Huang, Zhihua Liu, Qinghua Liu, Yuanlong Cao:
Multi-attribute aware multipath data scheduling strategy for efficient MPTCP-based data delivery. 248-253 - Jumpei Urakawa, Cristina Basescu, Kohei Sugiyama, Christos Pappas, Akira Yamada, Ayumu Kubota, Adrian Perrig:
On the implementation of path-based dynamic pricing in edge-directed routing. 254-260 - Shahriar Kaisar
, Joarder Kamruzzaman
, Gour C. Karmakar, Iqbal Gondal
Carry me if you can: A utility based forwarding scheme for content sharing in tourist destinations. 261-267 - Andrei E. Tuchin, Masahiro Sasabe, Shoji Kasahara
A simple algorithm of centralized flow management for data centers. 268-273 - Shogo Ando, Akihiro Nakao:
OpenFlow transparent custom action extension by using Packet-In and click packet processing. 274-280 - Nifty Fath
, I Wayan Mustika, Selo Sulistyo
, Koji Yamamoto, Hidekazu Murata:
Optimal resource allocation scheme in femtocell networks based on bat algorithm. 281-285 - Hesham Ibrahim Ahmed
, Qun Wan, Xueke Ding, Zhi-Ping Zhou:
Squared distance matrix completion through Nystrom approximation. 286-290 - Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow:
Efficient compute-and-forward design with low communication overhead. 291-295 - Toan Nguyen-Duc, Eiji Kamioka
A self-adaptive and energy-efficient wireless multi-hop network. 296-301 - Chenchen Liu, Xiaolin Li, Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow:
On the minimum subspace coding capacity of multiplicative finite-field matrix channels with a given rank distribution. 302-306 - Imen Arfaoui, Noureddine Boudriga, Khalifa Trimeche:
Resilience of thick-line WSN based surveillance systems under irregular crossings. 307-314 - Arief Budi Santiko, Yussi Perdana Saputera
, Yuyu Wahyu:
Design and implementation of three branch line coupler at 3.0 GHz frequency for S-band radar system. 315-318 - Galih Mustiko Aji
, Muhammad Ammar Wibisono, Achmad Munir
High gain 2.4GHz patch antenna array for rural area application. 319-322 - Yu-Wei Chang, Po-Ya Chang, Qian Xu, Kai-Hsiang Ho, Windy Limiati Halim:
An empirical investigation of switching intention to private cloud computing in large enterprises. 323-329 - Akira Misawa, Takeshi Osaka, Ken Takahashi, Torn Okugawa, Akio Kawabata, Masaru Katayama:
Highly reliable and high-density installation method for large-scale routers. 330-336 - Weiwei Liu, Xichen Wang, Wenli Zhang, Lin Yang, Chao Peng:
Coordinative simulation with SUMO and NS3 for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 337-341 - Ali H. Alqahtani
, Ahmed Iyanda Sulyman, Abdulhameed Alsanie:
Loss-tolerant large-scale MU-MIMO system with rateless space time block code. 342-347 - Chien-Hsing Liao, Tai-Kuo Woo:
FPP-based waveform coding signals evaluations. 348-354 - Hirotaka Suzuki
, Yuusuke Kawakita
, Haruhisa Ichikawa:
Remote implementation of GNU radio-based SDR development environment. 355-360 - Eki Rizky Afthar, Muhammad Reza Hidayat
, Achmad Munir
Analysis of equivalent circuit for bandpass filter based on SRR with groundplane windowing. 361-364 - Jianjie Tian, Stevan M. Berber
, Gerard B. Rowe:
Energy efficiency of decode and forward cooperation in WSNs over frequency-selective channels. 365-370 - Ilfiyantri Intyas, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Achmad Munir
Image quality improvement for GPR acquisition using interpolation method. 371-374 - Mazaya Nabila Haryasena, Antrisha Daneraici Setiawan, Habibur Muhaimin, Achmad Munir
Signal processing of position plan indicator display for weather radar. 375-378 - Folin Oktafiani, Yusuf Nur Wijayanto:
Analysis of printed patch antenna array for 37 GHz point-to-point wireless links. 379-382 - Taosheng Zhang, Moran Guo, Lianghui Ding, Feng Yang, Liang Qian:
Soft Output Viterbi Decoding for space-based AIS receiver. 383-387 - Panyuan Xia, Taosheng Zhang, Lianghui Ding, Feng Yang, Liang Qian, Hongxing Li:
Practical concern analysis on the detection probability for satellite-based AIS. 388-393 - Miao Zhao, Feng Yang, Lianghui Ding, Yunfeng Guan, Liang Qian:
Research on Tone Reservation in SC-FDM system. 394-399 - Ki-Doo Kim, Jin-San Kim, Tae-Ho Kwon:
Variable intensity-on-off keying modulation and its application to wearable visual-MIMO. 400-403 - Masahiro Umehira, Shota Rachi, Shigeki Takeda:
Experimental evaluation of a spectrum occupancy rate measurement method based on LSE estimation of Gaussian noise CDF. 404-408 - Jai-Eun Kim, Ji-Won Kim, Ki-Doo Kim:
Three-dimensional color gamut for color-space-modulation. 409-413 - Monika Jain, Vaibhav Kumar
, Ranjan Gangopadhyay
, Soumitra Debnath
A simulation framework for capacity analysis in TV white space. 414-418 - Wahyul Amien Syafei:
Near optimum MIMO decoders for next generation very high throughput WLAN. 419-423 - Yunida, Nasaruddin
New four-state space-time trellis codes for multi-pair two-way relaying in MIMO cooperative networks. 424-429 - K. A. Maria, Duc Khai Lam
, Leonardo Lanante
, Yuhei Nagao, Masayuki Kurosaki, Hiroshi Ochi, Intan Sari Areni:
Design of WLAN based system for fast protocol factory automation system. 430-435 - Fidia Triani, Muhammad Suryanegara
Speech compression for voice cockpit recording over 1090 MHz ADS-B via satellite reception. 436-439 - Keisuke Ujihara, Naoki Kurihara, Yoshinori Sakata, Fumiaki Maehara:
A coordinated multipoint transmission method employing vehicle position information for taxi radio systems. 440-444 - Nattakorn Promwongsa, Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn:
Packet size optimization for energy-efficient 2-hop in multipath fading for WBAN. 445-450 - Jing Mao, Chen Chen, Haige Xiang:
Resource allocation for multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems with various suboptimal detectors. 451-456 - Ahmad Kamsani Samingan, Ishak Suleiman, Chun Yeow Yeoh, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman:
Receiver antenna synchronization and carrier frequency offsets pre-mitigation for distributed massive MIMO system. 457-461 - Mahadev A. Gawas
, Lucy J. Gudino, K. R. Anupama:
Cross layered adaptive cooperative routing mode in mobile ad hoc networks. 462-469 - Bin Da, Xiaohu Xu, Kunyang Bi, Xiuli Zheng:
DNS with mapping service in identifier locator split architecture. 470-475 - Tatsuaki Sato, Kentaroh Toyoda
, Iwao Sasase:
Practical key distribution scheme with less dummy tags in RFID-enabled supply chains. 476-480 - Sinh Cong Lam
, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen:
Performance of soft frequency reuse in random cellular networks in Rayleigh-Lognormal fading channels. 481-487 - Walid Abdallah, Noureddine Boudriga:
A location-aware authentication and key management scheme for wireless sensor networks. 488-495 - Arusha Dubey, Deepak Vohra, Khyati Vachhani
, Arvind Mallari Rao:
Demonstration of vulnerabilities in GSM security with USRP B200 and open-source penetration tools. 496-501 - Sakiko Kawai, Tomoya Hibi, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yukio Tsukishima, Hitoshi Masutani:
Per-flow entry verification for legacy SDN. 502-510 - Timothy Girry Kale, Satoshi Ohzahata, Celimuge Wu
, Toshihiko Kato:
Evaluating tor modified switching algorithm in the emulation environment. 510-516 - Tan Phan-Xuan
, Eiji Kamioka
Efficiency of QoE-driven network management in adaptive streaming over HTTP. 517-522 - Ahmad Salehi S., Mohammad Abdur Razzaque, Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes
, Nasir Hussain:
IEEE 802.15.6 standard in wireless body area networks from a healthcare point of view. 523-528 - Ahmad Salehi S., Mohammad Abdur Razzaque, Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes
, Nasir Hussain, Vahid Kaviani:
Efficient high-rate key management technique for wireless body area networks. 529-534 - Prihadi Murdiyat
, Kah-Seng Chung, King Sun Chan:
A multi-channel MAC for multi-hop wireless sensor networks minimizing hidden node collision. 535-540 - Youngjin Jung, Hojin Kim, Sangheon Lee, Daehyoung Hong, Jaechan Lim:
Deployment of small cells with biased density in heterogeneous networks. 541-544 - Lisa Kristiana
, Corinna Schmitt, Burkhard Stiller:
A filtering concept for improving the angle-based forwarding scheme in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network communications. 545-551 - Xichen Wang, Weiwei Liu, Lin Yang, Wenli Zhang, Chao Peng:
A new content-centric routing protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 552-558 - Ichrak Amdouni, Fatma Hrizi, Anis Laouiti, Eduard Grasa
, Hakima Chaouchi:
Exploring the flexibility of network access control in the recursive InterNetwork Architecture. 559-566 - Guoqiang Zhang, Desheng Qi, Qian Gao:
Architectural mechanisms for anycast provision in Named Data Networking. 567-572 - Chitapong Wechtaisong, Hiroaki Morino:
Delay insertion based P2PTV traffic localization considering peer's relaying capability. 573-578 - Sofia Naning Hertiana, Hendrawan
, Adit Kurniawan
Performance analysis of flow-based routing in software-defined networking. 579-585 - Muhammad Hilmy Iskandar, Muhammad Suryanegara
The pulse duration effect to ADS-B via satellite reception: Comparison analysis of Iridium and Globalstar. 586-590 - Muhammad Ammar Wibisono, Achmad Munir
Utilization of split ring resonator for compact narrowband microstrip bandpass filter. 591-594 - Antrisha Daneraici Setiawan, Achmad Munir
Cylindrical coordinate system-based FDTD method for analysis of THz circular waveguide coated by dielectric material. 595-598 - Ting-Ting Pan, Hui Zhang, Jia-yuan Hu, Mu-ze Zhao:
Applications of G function in base station placement. 599-603 - Muhammad Reza Hidayat
, Achmad Munir
Rectangular waveguide BPF using split ring resonator metamaterials. 604-608 - Achmad Munir
, Niken Asri Pratiwi:
Circular sector printed antenna array for S-band radar application. 609-612

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