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48th Allerton Conference 2010: Monticello, IL, USA
- 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2010, Monticello, IL, USA, September 29 - October 1, 2020. IEEE 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-8215-3
- P. Viswanath, Sean P. Meyn:
Foreword. 1 - Thuy Van Nguyen, Aria Nosratinia
, Dariush Divsalar:
The design of rate-compatible protograph LDPC codes. 1-5 - Mayur Punekar, Mark F. Flanagan
Low complexity Linear Programming decoding of nonbinary linear codes. 6-13 - Amin Sakzad
, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi
, Daniel Panario
Construction of turbo lattices. 14-21 - Amin Sakzad
, Daniel Panario
, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi
, Nasim Eshghi:
Self-inverse interleavers based on permutation functions for turbo codes. 22-28 - Rathinakumar Appuswamy, Massimo Franceschetti:
Computing linear functions with linear network codes. 29-35 - Gabi Sarkis, Saied Hemati, Shie Mannor
, Warren J. Gross:
Relaxed half-stochastic decoding of LDPC codes over GF(q). 36-41 - Michael C. Caramanis, Justin M. Foster:
Coupling of day ahead and real-time power markets for energy and reserves incorporating local distribution network costs and congestion. 42-49 - Arman C. Kizilkale, Shie Mannor
Volatility and efficiency in markets with friction. 50-57 - Judith B. Cardell, Chin Yen Tee:
Distributed energy resources in electricity markets: The price droop mechanism. 58-65 - Andrew L. Liu:
Repeated games in electricity spot and forward markets - An equilibrium modeling and computational framework. 66-71 - Aydin Sezgin
, Holger Boche, Salman Avestimehr:
Bidirectional multi-pair network with a MIMO relay: Beamforming strategies and lack of duality. 72-77 - Ramtin Pedarsani, Olivier Lévêque, Sheng Yang:
On the DMT optimality of the rotate-and-forward scheme in a two-hop MIMO relay channel. 78-85 - Hyun Jong Yang, Joohwan Chun, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Asymptotic capacity of the separated MIMO two-way relay channel with linear precoding. 86-93 - Hon Fah Chong, Ying-Chang Liang
The capacity region of the class of Gaussian MIMO three-receiver multilevel broadcast channels with degraded message sets. 94-101 - Anatoly Khina
, Yuval Kochman, Uri Erez:
Decomposing the MIMO broadcast channel. 102-106 - Maxim Raginsky:
Divergence-based characterization of fundamental limitations of adaptive dynamical systems. 107-114 - Sarah Filippi
, Olivier Cappé, Aurélien Garivier:
Optimism in reinforcement learning and Kullback-Leibler divergence. 115-122 - Mohammad Naghshvar, Tara Javidi:
Information utility in active sequential hypothesis testing. 123-129 - Lorne Applebaum, Waheed U. Bajwa, Marco F. Duarte, A. Robert Calderbank:
Multiuser detection in asynchronous on-off random access channels using lasso. 130-137 - Matthew L. Malloy, Akbar M. Sayeed:
Optimal signaling for detection in doubly dispersive multipath. 138-145 - Ikenna Odinaka, Po-Hsiang Lai, Alan David Kaplan, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
On estimating biometric capacity: An example based on LDV biometrics. 146-151 - Soheil Feizi, Vivek K. Goyal, Muriel Médard:
Locally Adaptive Sampling. 152-159 - Joseph Wang, Venkatesh Saligrama
, David A. Castañón:
Markov group testing. 160-166 - Iryna Andriyanova, Ezio Biglieri, Joseph J. Boutros:
On iterative performance of LDPC and Root-LDPC codes over block-fading channels. 167-171 - Dung Viet Nguyen, Martin Leslie, Bane Vasic:
Short column-weight-three LDPC codes without small trapping sets. 172-179 - M. Amin Khajehnejad, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Babak Hassibi, William Bradley:
Reweighted LP decoding for LDPC codes. 180-187 - Ali Eslami, Hossein Pishro-Nik:
On bit error rate performance of polar codes in finite regime. 188-194 - Hironori Uchikawa, Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Terminated LDPC convolutional codes over GF(2p). 195-200 - Shashank V. Maiya, Daniel J. Costello Jr., Thomas E. Fuja, Wai Fong:
Coding with a latency constraint: The benefits of sequential decoding. 201-207 - Maxime Guillaud
Receive diversity and ergodic performance of interference alignment on the MIMO Gaussian interference channel. 208-214 - Amir Ingber, Meir Feder:
Parallel bit interleaved coded modulation. 215-222 - Javad Lavaei, Steven H. Low:
Convexification of optimal power flow problem. 223-232 - Huan Xu, Ufuk Topcu, Steven H. Low, Christopher R. Clarke, K. Mani Chandy:
Load-shedding probabilities with hybrid renewable power generation and energy storage. 233-239 - Jakob Hoydis, Jamal Najim, Romain Couillet, Mérouane Debbah:
Fluctuations of the mutual information in large distributed antenna systems with colored noise. 240-245 - Sundeep Venkatraman, Krishnan Padmanabhan, Oliver M. Collins:
Large wireless systems with unknown fading. 246-253 - Francesco Negro, Irfan Ghauri, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Optimizing the noisy MIMO Interference Channel at High SNR. 254-261 - Mehdi Torbatian, Mohamed Oussama Damen:
Asynchronous interference alignment. 262-269 - Randa Zakhour, Stephen V. Hanly
Large system analysis of base station cooperation on the downlink. 270-277 - Pulkit Grover
, Anant Sahai:
Implicit and explicit communication in decentralized control. 278-285 - Serdar Yüksel, Tamás Linder:
On optimization and convergence of observation channels and quantizers in stochastic control. 286-293 - Jake V. Bouvrie, Boumediene Hamzi
Balanced reduction of nonlinear control systems in reproducing kernel Hilbert space. 294-301 - Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, Bruno Sinopoli, José M. F. Moura:
Distributed detection over time varying networks: Large deviations analysis. 302-309 - Jeongho Jeon, Anthony Ephremides:
Neighbor discovery in a wireless sensor network: multipacket reception capability and physical-layer signal processing. 310-317 - Eric Dallal, Stéphane Lafortune
On most permissive observers in dynamic sensor optimization problems for discrete event systems. 318-324 - Benedito J. B. Fonseca
, John A. Gubner:
Analysis of randomly deployed sensor detection systems under least favorable distributions. 325-332 - Muhammad Hafeez Chaudhary, Luc Vandendorpe:
Power-efficient estimation in sensor networks with correlated data: Perfect and imperfect CSI. 333-340 - Pascal O. Vontobel
The Bethe permanent of a non-negative matrix. 341-346 - Shrinivas Kudekar, Henry D. Pfister
The effect of spatial coupling on compressive sensing. 347-353 - Nima Noorshams, Martin J. Wainwright
Lossy source coding with sparse graph codes: A variational formulation of soft decimation. 354-360 - Woomyoung Park, Alexander Barg:
Linear ordered codes, shape enumarators and parallel channels. 361-367 - Arya Mazumdar, Alexander Barg, Navin Kashyap:
On the capacity of high-density recording on a 1-D granular magnetic medium. 368-375 - N. Prasanth Anthapadmanabhan, Emina Soljanin
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Update-efficient codes for erasure correction. 376-382 - Ahmed Badr, Devin Lui, Ashish Khisti:
Multicast streaming codes (Mu-SCo) for burst erasure channels. 383-390 - Tracey Ho, Michelle Effros, Shirin Jalali:
On equivalence between network topologies. 391-398 - Jean-François Chamberland
, Henry D. Pfister
, Srinivas Shakkottai:
First-passage time analysis for digital communication over erasure channels with delay-sensitive traffic. 399-405 - Vinay Joseph
, Vinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji:
Providing quality of service via opportunistic splitting using stochastic approximation. 406-411 - Dongning Guo, Lei Zhang:
Virtual full-duplex wireless communication via rapid on-off-division duplex. 412-419 - Huan Yao, Yuval Kochman, Gregory W. Wornell
On delay in real-time streaming communication systems. 420-426 - Hesham El Gamal, John Tadrous, Atilla Eryilmaz:
Proactive resource allocation: Turning predictable behavior into spectral gain. 427-434 - Ali ParandehGheibi, Jay Kumar Sundararajan, Muriel Médard:
Acknowledgement design for collision-recovery-enabled wireless erasure networks. 435-442 - Vinayak Nagpal, I-Hsiang Wang, Milos Jorgovanovic, David Tse, Borivoje Nikolic
Quantize-map-and-forward relaying: Coding and system design. 443-450 - Reza Mirghaderi, Andrea Goldsmith:
Communication over the Gaussian channel with rate-limited feedback. 451-457 - Gianluigi Liva, Enrico Paolini, Balázs Matuz, Marco Chiani
A decoding algorithm for LDPC codes over erasure channels with sporadic errors. 458-465 - Hideki Yagi, H. Vincent Poor:
An explicit construction of concatenated codes for multiple access channels. 466-473 - Or Ordentlich, Uri Erez:
Cyclic coded integer-forcing equalization. 474-478 - K. Vinodh, V. Lalitha, N. Prakash
, P. Vijay Kumar
, S. Sandeep Pradhan:
On the achievable rates of sources having a group alphabet in a distributed source coding setting. 479-486 - Guido H. Jajamovich, Michael S. Samoilov, Xiaodong Wang, Adam P. Arkin
Inference of binding sites with a Bayesian multiple-instance motif discovery method. 487-494 - Babak Hassibi, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Dimitris Papailiopoulos:
MCMC methods for integer least-squares problems. 495-501 - Hong Wan, Rong-Rong Chen, Jun Won Choi, James C. Preisig
, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Markov Chain Monte Carlo detection over time-varying frequency-selective channels. 502-506 - Urs Niesen, Suhas N. Diggavi:
Non-coherent hierarchical cooperation. 507-513 - Xinzhou Wu, Saurabha Tavildar, Sanjay Shakkottai, Tom Richardson, Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia, Aleksandar Jovicic:
FlashLinQ: A synchronous distributed scheduler for peer-to-peer ad hoc networks. 514-521 - Shuai Fan, Lin Zhang, Yong Ren, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Approximation algorithms for link scheduling with physical interference model in wireless multi-hop networks. 522-529 - Szymon Jakubczak, Dina Katabi:
SoftCast: Clean-slate scalable wireless video. 530-533 - Xiugang Wu, Liang-Liang Xie:
On the optimality of successive decoding in compress-and-forward relay schemes. 534-541 - Joseph A. Fernandez, Daniel D. Stancil
, Fan Bai:
Dynamic channel equalization for IEEE 802.11p waveforms in the vehicle-to-vehicle channel. 542-551 - Huan Xu, Constantine Caramanis
, Shie Mannor
A distributional interpretation of robust optimization. 552-556 - Jing Wang, Nicola Elia:
Control approach to distributed optimization. 557-561 - Dileep M. Kalathil, Rahul Jain
Communication games on the generalized Gaussian relay channel. 562-569 - Shihuan Liu, Lei Ying
, Srinivas Shakkottai:
Influence maximization in social networks: An ising-model-based approach. 570-576 - Mohamed Mostagir:
Optimal delivery in display advertising. 577-583 - Yao Xie, Yonina C. Eldar, Andrea Goldsmith:
Reduced-dimension multiuser detection. 584-590 - Chenlu Qiu, Namrata Vaswani
Real-time Robust Principal Components' Pursuit. 591-598 - Marco F. Duarte, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Recovery of frequency-sparse signals from compressive measurements. 599-606 - Delaram Motamedvaziri, Venkatesh Saligrama
, David Castanon:
Decentralized compressive sensing. 607-614 - Weiyu Xu, Ao Tang:
Compressive sensing over graphs: How many measurements are needed? 615-619 - Yihong Wu, Sergio Verdú:
The impact of constellation cardinality on Gaussian channel capacity. 620-628 - Minqi Shen, Anders Høst-Madsen:
The wideband sum slope of K-User interference channels. 629-636 - Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti
, Natasha Devroye:
New results on the capacity of the Gaussian cognitive interference channel. 637-644 - Bobak Nazer, Stark C. Draper
Gaussian red alert exponents: Geometry and code constructions. 645-652 - Karthik Mohan, Maryam Fazel:
Iterative reweighted least squares for matrix rank minimization. 653-661 - Florin Ciucu, Oliver Hohlfeld
, Pan Hui:
Non-asymptotic throughput and delay distributions in multi-hop wireless networks. 662-669 - Wenzhuo Ouyang, Sugumar Murugesan, Atilla Eryilmaz, Ness B. Shroff:
Scheduling with rate adaptation under incomplete knowledge of channel/estimator statistics. 670-677 - Yossi Kanizo, David Hay, Isaac Keslassy:
Hash tables with finite buckets are less resistant to deletions. 678-685 - Shihuan Liu, Eylem Ekici
, Lei Ying:
Scheduling in multihop wireless networks without back-pressure. 686-690 - Bin Li
, Atilla Eryilmaz:
On the Boundaries of randomization for throughput-optimal scheduling in switches. 691-698 - Venkat Chandrasekaran, Benjamin Recht, Pablo A. Parrilo
, Alan S. Willsky:
The Convex algebraic geometry of linear inverse problems. 699-703 - Laura Balzano
, Robert Nowak, Benjamin Recht:
Online identification and tracking of subspaces from highly incomplete information. 704-711 - Vincent Y. F. Tan, Animashree Anandkumar, Alan S. Willsky:
Scaling laws for learning high-dimensional Markov forest distributions. 712-718 - Myung Jin Choi, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Animashree Anandkumar, Alan S. Willsky:
Consistent and efficient reconstruction of latent tree models. 719-725 - Iñaki Iglesias, Bo Lu, Javier Garcia-Frías
, Gonzalo R. Arce
Non-linear mappings for transmission of compressed sensing images. 726-732 - Joffrey Villard, Pablo Piantanida:
Secure lossy source coding with side information at the decoders. 733-739 - Ahmad Beirami, Faramarz Fekri
On the finite-length performance of universal coding for k-ary memoryless sources. 740-744 - Georg Zeitler:
Low-precision analog-to-digital conversion and mutual information in channels with memory. 745-752 - Avihay Shirazi, Uria Basher, Haim H. Permuter
Channel coding and source coding with increased partial side information. 753-759 - Yeow-Khiang Chia, Haim H. Permuter
, Tsachy Weissman:
Cascade, Triangular and two way source coding with degraded side information at the second user. 760-767 - Fatemeh Fazel, Maryam Fazel, Milica Stojanovic:
Random access compressed sensing in underwater sensor networks. 768-774 - Xi Liu, Elza Erkip
Alternating-offer bargaining games over the Gaussian interference channel. 775-782 - Ilaria Malanchini, Steven Weber, Matteo Cesana
Nash equilibria for spectrum sharing of two bands among two players. 783-790 - Gaurav S. Kasbekar, Saswati Sarkar, Koushik Kar, P. Muthusamy, Aparna Gupta:
Dynamic contract trading in spectrum markets. 791-799 - Alonso Silva, Hamidou Tembine
, Eitan Altman, Mérouane Debbah:
Uplink spatial games on cellular networks. 800-804 - Sachin Adlakha, Ramesh Johari:
Mean field equilibrium in dynamic games with complementarities. 805 - Aditya Mahajan
Optimal transmission policies for two-user multiple access broadcast using dynamic team theory. 806-813 - Mojtaba Nourian, Peter E. Caines, Roland P. Malhamé
Synthesis of Cucker-Smale type flocking via Mean Field stochastic control theory: Nash equilibria. 814-819 - Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain
Strategic arrivals into queueing networks. 820-827 - Md. Saifur Rahman, Aaron B. Wagner:
Optimality of binning for distributed hypothesis testing. 828-835 - Wei Liu, Ge Xu, Biao Chen:
The common information of N dependent random variables. 836-843 - Narayana Santhanam, Venkat Anantharam:
What risks lead to ruin. 844-850 - Sung Hoon Lim
, Paolo Minero, Young-Han Kim:
Lossy communication of correlated sources over multiple access channels. 851-858 - Zohaib Hassan Awan, Abdellatif Zaidi, Luc Vandendorpe:
On secure transmission over parallel relay eavesdropper channel. 859-866 - Svitlana Vyetrenko, Tracey Ho, Theodoros K. Dikaliotis:
Outer bounds on the error correction capacity region for non-multicast networks. 867-874 - Cuizhu Shi, Aditya Ramamoorthy:
Improved combinatorial algorithms for wireless information flow. 875-880 - Kejing Liu, Javier Garcia-Frías
Optimization of LDGM-based quantum codes using Density Evolution. 881-886 - Chuan Huang, Jinhua Jiang, Shuguang Cui
On the achievable rates of the diamond relay channel with conferencing links. 887-894 - Assadallah Sahebalam, Mohammad Osmani-Bojd, Ghosheh Abed Hodtani
Numerical computation of sum capacity for discrete multiple access channels with causal side information at the transmitter. 895-900 - Uria Basher, Avihay Shirazi, Haim H. Permuter
Capacity region of finite state multiple-access channel with delayed state information. 901-908 - Kanchan G. Vardhe, Daryl Reynolds:
On the performance of multistage cooperative networks. 909-914 - Liang Chen:
Achievable rates for three-user two-way cooperative relay broadcast channels. 915-922 - Steven Corroy, Rudolf Mathar:
Strategies for source/sink pairs in amplify-and-forward Gaussian relay networks. 923-930 - Ravi Tandon, Sennur Ulukus:
Capacity of a class of semi-deterministic primitive relay channels. 931-935 - Peyman Razaghi, Giuseppe Caire:
Relay strategies based on cross-determinism for the broadcast relay channel. 936-943 - Ye Wang, Shantanu Rane, Wei Sun, Prakash Ishwar
On unconditionally secure computation with vanishing communication cost. 944-950 - Po-Kai Huang, Xiaojun Lin:
The end-to-end delay performance of a class of wireless scheduling algorithms. 951-952 - Krishna Jagannathan
, Mihalis G. Markakis
, Eytan H. Modiano, John N. Tsitsiklis:
Throughput optimal scheduling in the presence of heavy-tailed traffic. 953-960 - Douglas J. Leith
, Vijay G. Subramanian
Utility fairness in 802.11-based wireless mesh networks. 961-968 - Jayakrishnan Nair, Adam Wierman, Bert Zwart:
Scheduling for the tail: Robustness versus optimality. 969-976 - Waheed U. Bajwa, A. Robert Calderbank, Sina Jafarpour:
Revisiting model selection and recovery of sparse signals using one-step thresholding. 977-984 - Charles J. Colbourn, Daniel Horsley
, Violet R. Syrotiuk:
Frameproof codes and compressive sensing. 985-990 - Mahdi Cheraghchi
Derandomization and group testing. 991-997 - Dino Sejdinovic
, Oliver Johnson
Note on noisy group testing: Asymptotic bounds and belief propagation reconstruction. 998-1003 - Serban Sabau, Nuno C. Martins:
On the stabilization of LTI decentralized configurations under quadratically invariant sparsity constraints. 1004-1010 - Ehsan Ardestanizadeh, Paolo Minero, Massimo Franceschetti:
LQG control approach to Gaussian broadcast channels with feedback. 1011-1015 - Sayed Yusef Shafi, Murat Arcak, Laurent El Ghaoui
Designing node and edge weights of a graph to meet Laplacian eigenvalue constraints. 1016-1023 - Yi Su, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Linearly coupled communication games. 1024-1029 - Alireza Vahid, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
On the capacity of multi-hop wireless networks with partial network knowledge. 1030-1037 - Yiwei Song, Natasha Devroye:
List decoding for nested lattices and applications to relay channels. 1038-1045 - Michèle A. Wigger, Anand D. Sarwate
Linear strategies for the Gaussian MAC with user cooperation. 1046-1053 - Abinesh Ramakrishnan, Abhik Kumar Das, Hamed Maleki, Athina Markopoulou
, Syed Ali Jafar
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Network coding for three unicast sessions: Interference alignment approaches. 1054-1061 - Scott Kayser, Eitan Yaakobi, Paul H. Siegel, Alexander Vardy
, Jack K. Wolf:
Multiple-write WOM-codes. 1062-1068 - Joseph C. Koo, William Wu, John T. Gill III:
Delay-rate tradeoff for ergodic interference alignment in the Gaussian case. 1069-1075 - Sandeep Ponnuru, Upamanyu Madhow:
On the scalability of joint channel and mismatch estimation for time-interleaved analog-to-digital conversion in communication receivers. 1076-1082 - Ballard J. Blair, James C. Preisig
Multi-channel DFE equalization with waveguide constraints for underwater acoustic communication. 1083-1089 - Harish Ganapathy, Constantine Caramanis
, Lei Ying
Limited feedback for cognitive radio networks using compressed sensing. 1090-1097 - Arash Behboodi, Pablo Piantanida:
Broadcasting over the relay channel with oblivious cooperative strategy. 1098-1103 - Si-Hyeon Lee
, Sae-Young Chung:
Capacity of a class of multicast tree networks. 1104-1109 - Zichong Chen, Guillermo Barrenetxea, Martin Vetterli
Distributed successive approximation coding using broadcast advantage: The two-encoder case. 1110-1116 - Sunil Srinivasa, Martin Haenggi
Throughput-delay-reliability tradeoffs in multihop networks with random access. 1117-1124 - Narayanan Krishnan, Jignesh S. Panchal, Narayan B. Mandayam, Roy D. Yates:
Bandwidth sharing in LTE-A relaying systems. 1125-1128 - Soheil Feizi, Muriel Médard, Michelle Effros:
Compressive sensing over networks. 1129-1136 - Sebastián Moreno
, Sergey Kirshner, Jennifer Neville, S. V. N. Vishwanathan:
Tied Kronecker product graph models to capture variance in network populations. 1137-1144 - Mokshay Madiman:
Fundamental limits for distributed estimation using a sensor field. 1145-1146 - Krishnamurthy Viswanathan:
Information-theoretic analysis of function computation on streams. 1147-1152 - Narayana P. Santhanam, Mokshay M. Madiman, Anand D. Sarwate
Redundancy of exchangeable estimators. 1153-1157 - Çagri Göken, Sinan Gezici, Orhan Arikan
On the optimality of stochastic signaling under an average power constraint. 1158-1164 - Dario Bauso, Puduru V. Reddy
Learning for allocations in the long-run average core of dynamical cooperative TU games. 1165-1170 - Jason R. Marden, Jeff S. Shamma:
Revisiting log-linear learning: Asynchrony, completeness and payoff-based implementation. 1171-1172 - Ozan Candogan, Ishai Menache, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Pablo A. Parrilo
Dynamics in near-potential games. 1173 - Pooya Molavi, Ali Jadbabaie:
On convergence of beliefs in a non-Bayesian model of learning. 1174-1178 - Ercan Yildiz, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Daron Acemoglu, Anna Scaglione
The voter model with stubborn agents extended abstract. 1179-1181 - David A. Schmidt, Wolfgang Utschick
, Michael L. Honig:
Beamforming techniques for single-beam MIMO interference networks. 1182-1187 - Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, David Tse:
Completely stale transmitter channel state information is still very useful. 1188-1195 - Akbar Sayeed, Nader Behdad:
Continuous aperture phased MIMO: Basic theory and applications. 1196-1203 - Jeffrey G. Andrews, François Baccelli, Radha Krishna Ganti
A new tractable model for cellular coverage. 1204-1211 - Mohamed Elsabagh
, Yara Abdallah, Moustafa Youssef
, Hesham El Gamal:
ARQ security in Wi-Fi and RFID networks. 1212-1219 - Lalitha Sankar, S. Raj Rajagopalan, H. Vincent Poor:
An information-theoretic approach to privacy. 1220-1227 - Xiang He, Aylin Yener:
Providing secrecy when the eavesdropper channel is arbitrarily varying: A case for multiple antennas. 1228-1235 - Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus:
Degraded Gaussian MIMO multi-receiver wiretap channel with public and confidential messages. 1236-1243 - Ye Tian, Aylin Yener:
Sum capacity of the deterministic interference channel with an out-of-band half-duplex relay. 1244-1251 - Jianwei Xie, Sennur Ulukus:
Real interference alignment for the K-user Gaussian interference compound wiretap channel. 1252-1257 - Suvarup Saha, Randall A. Berry
On the sum capacity of a class of 3 user deterministic interference channels. 1258-1265 - Songqing Zhao, Daniela Tuninetti
On the distortion exponent of block-fading Gaussian interference channels. 1266-1272 - Omar Mehanna, John Marcos, Nihar Jindal:
On achievable rates of the two-user symmetric Gaussian interference channel. 1273-1279 - Urs Niesen, Piyush Gupta, David Tse:
A communication architecture for large heterogeneous wireless networks. 1280-1287 - Gaurav S. Kasbekar, Alexandre Proutière:
Opportunistic medium access in multi-channel wireless systems: A learning approach. 1288-1294 - Praneeth Netrapalli, Siddhartha Banerjee, Sujay Sanghavi, Sanjay Shakkottai:
Greedy learning of Markov network structure. 1295-1302 - Moez Draief, Milan Vojnovic:
Bargaining dynamics in exchange networks. 1303-1310 - Chiranjib Choudhuri, Young-Han Kim, Urbashi Mitra:
Capacity-distortion trade-off in channels with state. 1311-1318 - John MacLaren Walsh, Steven Weber:
Relationships among bounds for the region of entropic vectors in four variables. 1319-1326 - Yury Polyanskiy, Sergio Verdú:
Arimoto channel coding converse and Rényi divergence. 1327-1333 - Yury Polyanskiy, Sergio Verdú:
Channel dispersion and moderate deviations limits for memoryless channels. 1334-1339 - Sudeep Kamath, Venkat Anantharam:
A new dual to the Gács-Körner common information defined via the Gray-Wyner system. 1340-1346 - Chih-Chun Wang:
Capacity of 1-to-K broadcast packet erasure channels with channel output feedback. 1347-1354 - Abhijit Gosavi
Finite horizon Markov control with one-step variance penalties. 1355-1359 - Ilya O. Ryzhov, Warren B. Powell:
Approximate dynamic programming with correlated Bayesian beliefs. 1360-1367 - Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Huizhen Yu:
Distributed asynchronous policy iteration in dynamic programming. 1368-1375 - David Cru, Jiaqiao Hu:
Dynamic hedge fund asset allocation under multiple regimes. 1376-1383 - Dotan Di Castro, Shie Mannor
Tutor learning using linear constraints in approximate dynamic programming. 1384-1390 - Lifeng Lai, Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor:
Key agreement over wireless fading channels with an active attacker. 1391-1396 - Jinsub Kim, Lang Tong:
Detection of time-varying directional flows in wireless networks. 1397-1404 - Paul Cuff:
Using a secret key to foil an eavesdropper. 1405-1411 - Ramji Venkataramanan, Hao Zhang, Kannan Ramchandran:
Interactive low-complexity codes for synchronization from deletions and insertions. 1412-1419 - Dimitris S. Papailiopoulos, Alexandros G. Dimakis:
Distributed storage codes meet multiple-access wiretap channels. 1420-1427 - Emina Soljanin
Reducing delay with coding in (mobile) multi-agent information transfer. 1428-1433 - Himanshu Asnani, Haim H. Permuter
, Tsachy Weissman:
To observe or not to observe the channel state. 1434-1441 - Haim H. Permuter
, Iddo Naiss:
Extension of the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for maximizing directed information. 1442-1449 - Charalambos D. Charalambous
, Christos K. Kourtellaris, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Capacity of channels with memory and feedback: Encoder properties and dynamic programming. 1450-1457 - Sugumar Murugesan, Philip Schniter, Ness B. Shroff:
Throughput/energy aware opportunistic transmission control in broadcast networks. 1458-1465 - Bartlomiej Blaszczyszyn, D. Yogeshwaran
Connectivity in sub-Poisson networks. 1466-1473 - Yichuan Hu, Alejandro Ribeiro
Adaptive distributed algorithms for optimal random access channels. 1474-1481 - Martin Haenggi
Local delay in Poisson networks with and without interference. 1482-1487 - Ramanan Subramanian, Ingmar Land, Lars K. Rasmussen:
The influence of error propagation on the capacity of wireless networks. 1488-1495 - Xiugang Wu, Liang-Liang Xie:
Codebook information does not reduce output entropy when rate is above capacity. 1496-1501 - Ana Radovanovic, Assaf Zeevi:
Revenue maximization in reservation-based online advertising through dynamic inventory management. 1502-1509 - Salim El Rouayheb, Kannan Ramchandran:
Fractional repetition codes for repair in distributed storage systems. 1510-1517 - Minji Kim, Muriel Médard:
Algebraic network coding approach to deterministic wireless relay networks. 1518-1525 - B. Javad Ebrahimi
, Christina Fragouli:
On benefits of vector network coding. 1526-1533 - Elona Erez, Yun Xu, Edmund M. Yeh:
Coding for the deterministic network model. 1534-1541 - Thomas A. Courtade, Richard D. Wesel:
Efficient universal recovery in broadcast networks. 1542-1549 - Vivek S. Borkar, Jayakrishnan Nair, Sanketh Nalli:
Manufacturing consent. 1550-1555 - John N. Tsitsiklis, Yunjian Xu:
Bayesian proportional resource allocation games. 1556-1561 - Dajun Qian, Junshan Zhang, Thejaswi P. S. Chandrashekhar:
Towards understanding the dynamics of complex networks: An entropic and Markovian view. 1562-1569 - Yuxin Chen, Sujay Sanghavi:
A general framework for high-dimensional estimation in the presence of incoherence. 1570-1576 - Akula Aneesh Reddy, Siddhartha Banerjee, Aditya Gopalan, Sanjay Shakkottai, Lei Ying
Wireless scheduling with heterogeneously delayed network-state information. 1577-1584 - Karumbu Premkumar
, Venkata K. Prasanthi M., Anurag Kumar
Delay optimal event detection on ad hoc wireless sensor networks. 1585-1588 - Bobak Nazer, Robert D. Nowak:
Sparse interactions: Identifying high-dimensional multilinear systems via compressed sensing. 1589-1596 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Wei Lai, Fuzhuo Huang:
On distributed multiple access control for wireless sensor networks. 1597-1604 - O. Patrick Kreidl, John N. Tsitsiklis, Spyros I. Zoumpoulis:
Decentralized detection in sensor network architectures with feedback. 1605-1609 - Venkat Chandrasekaran, Pablo A. Parrilo
, Alan S. Willsky:
Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization. 1610-1613 - Kai Jiang, Chanan Singh:
Reliability analysis of future special protection schemes. 1614-1621 - Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Supervisory control strategies for enhancing system security and privacy. 1622-1627 - Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Anna Scaglione
, Zhifang Wang:
On the impact of SmartGrid metering infrastructure on load forecasting. 1628-1636 - Arijit Bagchi, Alex Sprintson
, Seth D. Guikema, Elizabeth Bristow, Kelly Brumbelow:
Modeling performance of interdependent power and water networks during urban fire events. 1637-1644 - Ian Dobson
, Benjamin A. Carreras:
Number and propagation of line outages in cascading events in electric power transmission systems. 1645-1650 - Murat Arcak:
Linear matrix inequality tests for synchrony of diffusively coupled nonlinear systems. 1651-1656 - Yongqiang Wang, Francis J. Doyle:
The synchronization rate of oscillator networks subject to delayed and directed interaction. 1657-1662 - Nikhil Chopra
On ultimate boundedness of delay synchronization algorithms for semi-passive systems. 1663-1668 - Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Decentralized multi-armed bandit with imperfect observations. 1669-1674 - Cem Tekin, Mingyan Liu:
Online algorithms for the multi-armed bandit problem with Markovian rewards. 1675-1682 - Shunyuan Ye, Yanming Shen, Shivendra S. Panwar:
An O(1) scheduling algorithm for variable-size packet switching systems. 1683-1690 - Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman
, David Parker
Advances and challenges of probabilistic model checking. 1691-1698 - Amit Surana, Alessandro Pinto:
Analysis of Stochastic Automata Networks using copula functions. 1699-1706 - George Mathew, Alessandro Pinto:
Markov modeling of Stochastic Hybrid Systems. 1707-1713 - Alessandro Pinto
, Sudha Krishnamurthy:
Developing design tools for uncertain systems in an industrial setting. 1714-1721 - Namrata Vaswani
Stability (over time) of modified-CS for recursive causal sparse reconstruction. 1722-1729 - Dino Sejdinovic
, Christophe Andrieu, Robert J. Piechocki:
Bayesian sequential compressed sensing in sparse dynamical systems. 1730-1736 - Marija M. Nikolic, Gongguo Tang, Antonije R. Djordjevic, Arye Nehorai:
Electromagnetic imaging using compressive sensing. 1737-1741 - Rishi Gupta, Piotr Indyk, Eric Price:
Sparse recovery for Earth Mover Distance. 1742-1744 - Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
The stability of low-rank matrix reconstruction: A constrained singular value perspective. 1745-1751

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