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AICCSA 2001: Beirut, Lebanon
- 2001 ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2001), 26-29 June 2001, Beirut, Lebanon. IEEE Computer Society 2001, ISBN 0-7695-1165-1
Genetic Programming
- Ahmed Lehireche, Abdellatif Rahmoun
, A. Gafour:
Highlights on the Evolutionary Engineering Approach: The EE-Method. 5-10 - John Hawkins, Ali E. Abdallah:
A Generic Functional Genetic Algorithm. 11-17 - Abdellatif Rahmoun
, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
A Genetic-Based Neuro-Fuzzy Generator: NEFGEN. 18-
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Wassim A. Bedwani, Ossama M. Ismail:
Genetic Optimization of Variable Structure PID Control Systems. 27-30 - Muhammed Salamah, Hashem Lababidi:
FBLLB: A Fuzzy-Based Traffic Policing Mechanism for ATM Networks. 31-35 - Tahar Bouhadada, Mohamed Tayeb Laskri:
DB-TUTOR: An Intelligent Tutoring System Using a Troublemaker Companion. 36-
Machine Learning
- Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Andreas S. Pomportsis, S. Kiritsi, E. Talahoupi:
Absorbing Stochastic Estimator Learning Algorithms with High Accuracy and Rapid Convergence. 45-51 - Moawia Elfaki Yahia
, Ramlan Mahmod:
Neural Expert System with Two Engines of Rough Set. 52-58 - Bhanu Prasad:
A Planning System for Blocks-World Domain. 59-
Problem Solving
- Abdulwahed M. Abbas, Edward P. K. Tsang:
Constraint-Based Timetabling-A Case Study. 67-72 - Walid El Moudani, Félix Mora-Camino, Carlos Alberto Nunes Cosenza:
An Intelligent Approach for Solving the Airlines Crew Rostering Problem. 73-
Pattern Recognition
- Faruq A. Al-Omari
Hand-Written Indian Numerals Recognition System Using Template Matching Approaches. 83-88 - Salim Chitroub, Amrane Houacine, Boualem Sansal:
Principal Component Analysis of Multispectral Images Using Neural Network. 89-95 - Halima Bahi
, Mokhtar Sellami:
Combination of Vector Quantization and Hidden Markov Models for Arabic Speech Recognition. 96-
Pattern Recognition
- A. Oualid Djekoune, Karim Achour, Hakim Zoubiri:
Segments Matching Using a Neural Network Approach. 103-105 - Said S. Saloum:
Arabic Hand-Written Text Recognition. 106-109 - Alaa Hamid, Ramzi A. Haraty
A Neuro-Heuristic Approach for Segmenting Handwritten Arabic Text. 110-113 - Hazem M. El-Bakry
Human Face Detection Using Fast Co-operative Modular Neural Nets. 114-
Neural Nets
- Sihem Ben Sassi
, Rafik Braham, Abdelfattah Belghith
Neural Speech Synthesis System for Arabic Language Using CELP Algorithm. 119-121 - Nadia Zenati, Karim Achour:
Restoration Method Using a Neural Network Model. 122-124 - Karima Meftouh
, Mohamed Tayeb Laskri:
Generation of the Sense of a Sentence in Arabic Language with a Connectionist Approach. 125-127 - Habiba Belleili, Mokhtar Sellami:
Toward a Model of Agents Society: A Descriptive Approach. 128-
Data Engineering
- Cherif Chiraz Latiri, Sadok Ben Yahia
Generating Implicit Association Rules from Textual Data. 137-143 - Ruey-Shun Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, C. C. Chen, Yi-Chung Hu
Discovery of Fuzzy Sequential Patterns for Fuzzy Partitions in Quantitative Attributes. 144-150 - Ying Wah Teh
, Abu Bakar Zaitun:
Adaptive Query Processing in E-commerce Environment. 151-
Multimedia Databases
- Richard Chbeir
, Youssef Amghar
, André Flory, Lionel Brunie:
A Hyper-spaced Data Model for Content and Semantic-Based Medical Image Retrieval. 161-167 - Solomon Atnafu, Lionel Brunie, Harald Kosch:
Modeling Data Repository and Formalizing Content-Based Queries for Image Databases. 168-
Database Structures
- Sumi Helal
, Joachim Hammer, Jinsuo Zhang, Abhinav Khushraj:
A Three-Tier Architecture for Ubiquitous Data Access. 177-180 - Youakim Badr
, Frédérique Laforest, André Flory, M. Sayah:
Transformation Rules from Semi-structured XML Documents to Database Model. 181-184 - JiSim Kim, Wol-Young Lee, Kiho Lee:
The Cost Model for XML Documents in Relational Database Systems. 185-187 - Aziz Barbar, Martine Collard:
A Distance-Based Approach for Database Re-engineering. 188-190 - Mimoun Malki
, André Flory, Mustapha Kamal Rahmouni:
Static and Dynamic Reverse Engineering of Relational Database Applications: A Form-Driven Methodology. 191-196 - Hajer Baazaoui Zghal
, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
, Sami Faïz:
Exploration Techniques of the Spatial Data Warehouses: Overview and Application to Incendiary Domain. 197-199 - Ying Wah Teh
, Abu Bakar Zaitun, Sai Peck Lee
Data Mining Using Classification Techniques in Query Processing Strategies. 200-202 - Karine Zeitouni
, Nadjim Chelghoum:
Spatial Decision Tree-Application to Traffic Risk Analysis. 203-
Analysis of Distributed Systems
- Ashraf M. Osman, Hany H. Ammar, Andrei V. Smirnov, Shoaping Shi, Ismail Celik:
Scalability Analysis and Domain Decomposition of Large Eddy Simulations of Ship Wakes. 213-212 - Sushma Rai, D. Sampath, Srivathsa N. S.:
Implementation of DDARC: Software Architecture for Debugging Distributed Programs. 220-219 - Issam W. Damaj, Hassan B. Diab:
Performance Analysis of Extended Vector-Scalar Operations Using Reconfigurable Computing. 227-
Techniques of Distributed Systems
- Sidi Mohamed Sedjelmaci:
On a Parallel Extended Euclidean Algorithm. 235-241 - Ali E. Abdallah, Theoharis Theoharis:
A Functional View of Parallel Computer Graphics. 242-
Synthesis of Distributed Systems
- Ahmed Housni, Michel Tréhel:
Distributed Mutual Exclusion Token-Permission Based by Prioritized Groups. 253-259 - Carsten Griwodz, Michael Liepert, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
, Giwon On, Michael Zink
, Ralf Steinmetz
Perceived Consistency. 260-266 - Martin Heusse, Yvon Kermarrec:
A New Routing Policy for Load Balancing in Communication Networks. 267-272 - M. Al-ladan:
A Survey and a Taxonomy of Approaches for Testing Parallel and Distributed Programs. 273-
Distributed Computing
- F. Z. Hadjam, Abdellatif Rahmoun
, Mohamed Benmohammed:
On Designing a Systolic Network for the Resolution of Linear Systems Using the " Gauss-Seidel " Method. 283-286 - Riky Subrata, Albert Y. Zomaya
Location Management in Mobile Computing. 287-289 - Denivaldo Lopes
, Zair Abdelouahab:
An Environment Physically Distributed in Java. 290-
Software Metrics
- Jarallah AlGhamdi, Sadiq Al-Nasser, Tariq Al-Zubaidi:
Measuring the Coupling of Procedural Programs. 297-303 - Alan W. Williams, Robert L. Probert:
A Measure for Component Interaction Test Coverage. 304-312 - Hassan B. Diab, Marc Frappier, Richard St-Denis
Formalizing COSMIC-FFP Using ROOM. 312-
Software Testing
- Abdallah Tubaishat:
A Knowledge Base for Program Debugging. 321-327 - Sami Beydeda, Volker Gruhn:
An Integrated Testing Technique for Component-Based Software. 328-334 - Sébastien Salva, Hacène Fouchal
Some Parameters for Timed System Testability. 335-
Software Engineering Management
- Mohamed Ahmed-Nacer:
Towards a New Approach on Software Process Evolution. 345-351 - Georgios A. Dafoulas, Linda A. Macaulay:
Facilitating Group Formation and Role Allocation in Software Engineering Groups. 352-359 - Hera Antonopoulou, Kostas Giotopoulos
, Spiros Likothanassis, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis, Nikos Bogonikolos, Bill Vassiliadis:
A Service Oriented Standardised System for Virtual Private Networks. 360-
Object Based Software Engineering
- Hafedh Mili, Hamid Mcheick
, Joumana Dargham, Salah Sadou
CorbaViews: Distributing Objects with Views. 369-378 - Mohamed T. Kimour, Zine-Eddine Bouras, Mohamed S. Bendelloul:
Enhancing Schedulability: A Real-Time Object Slicing Approach. 379-385 - Mohamed Bettaz:
Object Based Software Engineering with Hidden Sorted ECATNets and Hidden Labeled Rewriting Logic. 386-
Software Engineering Techniques
- Zina Houhamdi
, Said Ghoul
A Reuse Description Formalism. 395-401 - Bertrand Ibrahim, Honitriniela Randriamparany:
An Execution Model for the Seamless Integration of Control Flow and Data Flow. 402-404 - Hany H. Ammar, Vittorio Cortellessa, Alaa Ibrahim:
Modeling Resources in a UML-Based Simulative Environment. 405-410 - Rami El-Baïda, Jean Paul Bahsoun:
Automatic Verification of Concurrent Object Properties. 411-
Programming Languages
- Walid Al-Ahmad:
On the Interaction of Programming by Contract and Liskov Substitution Principle. 421-423 - Mohammed R. Amin:
The Arabic Object-Oriented Programming Language Al-Risalh. 424-427 - Honitriniela Randriamparany, Bertrand Ibrahim:
Seamless Integration of Control Flow and Data Flow in a Visual Language. 428-434 - Kamal Zuhairi Zamli, Peter A. Lee:
Taxonomy of Process Modeling Languages. 435-437 - Hazem Hamed, Ashraf Salem
UML-L: An UML Based Design Description Language. 438-
Software Engineering Techniques
- Dina M. Ghobashy, Hany H. Ammar:
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Object Model(IETMOM). 445-447 - Ounsa Roudiès
, Mounia Fredj:
A Reuse Based Approach for Requirements Engineering. 448-450 - Bilel Gargouri
, Mohamed Jmaiel, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou:
An Environment for Formal Lingware Engineering. 451-453 - Fathy E. Eassa, Osama Ahmed Abulnaja:
Building UML-Based Use Case Sub-Tool for Component-Based Software Development. 454-456 - A. Badhusha, Seyed M. Buhari
, Sahalu B. Junaidu, Haja Mohd Saleem
Automatic Signature Files Update in Antivirus software Using Active Packets. 457-
Software Testing and Reliability
- Rami Bahsoon, Nashat Mansour:
Methods and Metrics for Selective Regression Testing. 463-465 - C. Koutsikas, Nicos Malevris:
A Unified Symbolic Execution System. 466-469 - Sultan Aljahdali, David Rine, Alaa F. Sheta
Prediction of Software Reliability: A Comparison between Regression and Neural Network Non-Parametric Models. 470-473 - Robert L. Probert, W. Li:
CORBA-Based E-Commerce Application Testing Architecture. 474-477 - Brahim Belattar, Ahmed Korichi
GOMSE: A Group Oriented Modeling and Simulation Environment. 478-
Software Engineering Management
- Coral Calero
, Mario Piattini
, Marcela Genero
A Case Study with Relational Database Metrics. 485-487 - Osama Eljabiri, Fadi P. Deek:
Toward a Comprehensive Framework for Software Process Modeling Evolution. 488-491 - Narayan C. Debnath, Roger Y. Lee, Hamid R. Abachi:
An Analysis of Software Engineering Metrics in OO Environment. 492-494 - Kassem Saleh, Rainer Koppler, C. Demarais:
Distributed Object Computing and its Application in Electronic Commerce Systems. 495-498 - Hamid Mousa Mohamed, Izzeldin Mohamed Osman:
CSPRSGs Strength Measures Based on the Classes of Transformation. 499-
Web Applications Management
- Samir Al-Khayatt, Richard Neale:
Automated Detection of Internet Usage Policy Violation. 507-510 - Khalid Benabdeslem, Younès Bennani
, Eric Janvier:
Connectionist Approach for Website Visitors Behaviors Mining. 511-
Web Applications Design
- Denis V. Popel, Nawar Al-Hakeem:
Improving Web Database Access Using Decision Diagrams. 519-525 - Mohamed Al-Ibrahim
, Mehmet Savsar, Wael Adi:
A Security Analysis for Label Switching Routers. 526-530 - Yannis Tzitzikas:
Democratic Data Fusion for Information Retrieval Mediators. 531-537 - Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
, Ralf Steinmetz
Keep It Small and Smart. 538-
Web Engineering
- Rida Mourtada, Ferenc Szidarovszky:
Bargaining in E-Commerce: A Special Negotiation Scheme. 547-549 - Yossef Monsef:
Evaluation and Validation Tests of Multimedia ISO9004 Arabic Prototype. 550-553 - Manuela Aparicio
, Carlos J. Costa:
A New Digital Report for Disseminating Meeting Outcomes. 554-556 - Maria Malek, Rushed Kanawati:
CBR-Based Collaborative Interface Agents: Architectural Issues. 557-559 - Imad Saleh
, Fabrice Papy, Nasreddine Bouhaï:
Creation of a Personal Space with HyWebMap. 560-

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