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ACM Conference on Computer Science 1991: San Antonio, Texas, USA
- C. Jinshong Hwang, Richard S. Brice:
Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer Science, CSC '91, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 4-7, 1991. ACM 1991, ISBN 0-89791-382-5 - Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing, Zhaofang Wen, Jingyuan Zhang:
Optimal parallel encoding and decoding algorithms for trees. 1-10 - Wei Xiong Zhang
, Zhaofang Wen:
Efficient parallel algorithms for some integer problems. 11-20 - I-Ling Yen:
Massively parallel hash algorithms and performance. 21-28 - Rong Lin, Stephan Olariu:
Optimal parallel coloring algorithms for a family of tree-representable graphs. 29-38 - Maw-Shang Chang, Chuan Yi Tang, Richard C. T. Lee:
A unified approach for solving bottleneck k-bipartition problems. 39-47 - Y. Daniel Liang, Sudarshan K. Dhall, Sivaramakrishnan Lakshmivarahan:
Efficient parallel algorithms for finding biconnected components of some intersection graphs. 48-52 - Timothy B. Baird, Ralph W. Wilkerson:
Termination via conditional reductions. 53-60 - Faris N. Abuali, Roger L. Wainwright:
Fringe analysis of binary search trees with miniml internal path length. 61-70 - William P. Coleman:
Aspects of computation. 71-77 - Robert G. Reynolds, Jonathan I. Maletic, Stephen E. Porvin:
An object-oriented approach to the acquisition of software engineering knowledge. 78-84 - Jo-Mae B. Maris, Charles Schroeder:
Precursor for parallel development. 85-93 - Eitan M. Gurari, Jesse Wu:
A WYSIWYG literate programming system (preliminary report). 94-104 - Hirotoshi Maegawa:
Memory organization and management for linked data structures. 105-112 - David J. Thuente:
Rapid simulation and software prototyping for the architectural design of embedded multiprocessor systems. 113-121 - Richard T. Denman, Travis B. Rowell:
A toroidal systolic array for Warshall's algorithm. 122-128 - Changho Kim:
Join processing and domain indices. 129-135 - Seong-Gi Kim, Sukho Lee:
A formalization of a query language for complex objects. 136-145 - Yiu-Kai Ng, Austin Melton, Elizabeth A. Unger:
A method for constructing generalized non-normal-form models. 146-153 - Chandon Chitale, John Sieg Jr.:
Caching transitive closures. 154-160 - Todd S. Moyer, Ephraim P. Glinert:
Reducing line clutter in software engineering diagrams. 161-168 - James C. Pleasant:
Systematic program development/proof using Dromey's method: some comparisons with top-down design. 169-173 - Kai-Hsiung Chang, W. Homer Carlisle, James H. Cross II, David B. Brown:
A heuristic approach for test case generation. 174-180 - Narayan C. Debnath:
A new abstraction for the study of module interconnection. 181-189 - Karen A. Lemone, Mary Anne O'Connor, Jeffrey J. McConnell, Joc Wisnewski:
Implementing semantics of object oriented languages using attribute grammars. 190-202 - Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Jacques Chabrier:
A modular architecture for constraint logic programming. 203-210 - Chang-Hyun Jo, K. M. George:
Language concepts using dynamic and distributed objects. 211-220 - Brendan Machado, K. M. George:
A model for multiparadigm systems. 221-227 - Jingde Cheng:
Logical tool of knowledge engineering: using entailment logic rather than mathematical logic. 228-238 - Somnuk Keretho, Rasiah Loganantharaj:
Qualitative and quantitative time interval constraint networks. 239-246 - Salvinder S. Hundal, Frank M. Brown:
A theory of nonmonotonic planning. 247-254 - Robert T. H. Chi, Melody Y. Kiang:
An integrated approach of rule-based and case-based reasoning for decision support. 255-267 - Weng-Keng Seow, Bidyut Gupta:
On designing a reconfigurable modular fault-tolerant binary tree architecture. 268-279 - Fillia Makedon, Adonios Simvonis:
Many-to-one packet routing on the mesh. 280-288 - Pauline Markenscoff, Yong Yuan Li:
An optimal algorithm for scheduling a computational tree on a parallel system with communication delays. 289-298 - Karam Mossaad, Chuan-lin Wu:
Parallel resource allocation algorithms on macro-pipelined architectures. 299-310 - Yiu-Kai Ng:
Semantic constraints on the connections among tuple components in non-normal-form models. 311-320 - H. N. Lin, Leslie L. Miller, M. Mehdi Owrang O.:
A universal relation language interface for INGRES. 321-331 - Ming-Chien Shan, Marie-Anne Neimat:
Optimization of relational algebra expressions containing recursion operators. 332-341 - James Vorbach, James Kowalski:
A unifying logic-based formalism for semantic data models. 342-348 - Walid A. Najjar
, Pradip K. Srimani:
Network resilience of star graphs: a comparative analysis. 349-357 - Tai-Kuo Woo, Kenneth Block:
A synchronization algorithm for distributed systems. 358-364 - Ugur Halici
, Asuman Dogac
Concurrency control for distributed multiversion databases through time intervals. 365-374 - Louise E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Vivek Agrawala:
Total ordering algorithms. 375-380 - Rasiah Loganantharaj, Ay-Hwa Liou:
Experience with Or-parallelism of connection graphs. 381-390 - Zbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik:
Principles of the parallel shape coding with the termination condition. 391-401 - R. P. Srivastava:
Transformations and distortions tolerant recognition of numerals using neural networks. 402-408 - Pauline Markenscoff, Kyriacos Zygourakis
Parallel iterations and cellular automata models for simulating pore structural transformations. 409-419 - Esen A. Ozkarahan, Fazli Can:
Multi-media document representation and retrieval. 420-429 - Danco Davcev, Dusan Cakmakov, Vanco Cabukovski:
A multimedia cognitive-based information retrieval system. 430-438 - Daniel D. Hils:
Datavis: a visual programming language for scientific visualization. 439-448 - Chingshun Cheng, C. Jinshong Hwang:
Survey of personal interactive multimedia technologies. 449-455 - Hermann Maurer, Ivan Tomek:
A model for next generation hypermedia systems. 456-470 - David W. McIntyre, Ephraim P. Glinert:
The design and evolution of an object-oriented graphics library for creating user interfaces for VLSI design tools. 471-477 - Paul F. Fitzgerald, Nina Y. Rosson, Linda Uljon:
Research into display sharing techniques in a distributed networking environment based on the x-window graphics system. 478-486 - Huan Chao Keh, Ted G. Lewis:
Direct-manipulation user interface modeling with high-level Petri nets. 487-495 - Heidi J. C. Ellis, Steven A. Demurjian:
ADAM: a graphical, object-oriented database-design tool and code generator. 496-505 - Kejongsok Kim:
Improving rule processing in Postgres database management system. 506-514 - D. J. van Eden, Jane M. Fritz, S. Latchford:
An open-ended research database for learning center activity. 515-522 - Ronald C. Linton:
Rule-based computational DBMSs. 523-529 - Hayong Harry Zhou:
Conceptual learning and classifier systems with long-term memory. 530-539 - Ramón E. Vásquez, Justo Mayora:
Estimation of motion and position of a rigid object using a sequence of images (tridimensional Kalman filter approach). 540-550 - David J. Thuente, Rhys Price Jones:
Beyond minimaxing for games with draws. 551-557 - Lon-Mu Liu, Yair M. Babad, Wei Sun, Ki-Kan Chan:
Adaptive post-processing of OCR text via knowledge acquisition. 558-569 - Eugeniusz Eberbach
CSA: two paradigms of the language for adaptive expert systems. 570-581 - David T. Chappell:
Software-based digital audio on PCs. 582-587 - Cathy H. Wu
, Jerry McLarty, George M. Whitson:
Neural networks for molecular sequence database management. 588-594 - Thomas J. Cheatham, John H. Crenshaw:
Object-oriented vs. waterfall software development. 595-599 - Robert A. Huebner:
The executive office of environmental affairs systems modernization project. 600-617 - Stephen E. Porvin, Robert G. Reynolds, Jonathan I. Maletic:
An empirical study of the use of problem reduction as a paradigm for problem solving in software engineering. 618-629 - Kunwarjit S. Bagga, Frank W. Owens:
Petri nets, state machines, and deadlocks (abstract and references only). 633 - Larry Basenspiler:
Calculation of chromatic polynomials (abstractonly). 634 - E. Bertsch:
Parser speedup by experimental transformation of grammars(abstract and references only). 635 - Kai Qian, Prabir Bhattacharya:
3-D vision algorithms based on polynomial representation(abstract and references only). 636 - Hari B. Bidasaria:
Modeling textures analytically using large exponent exponential functions(abstract only). 637 - Omran A. Bukhres, Kenneth Magel:
Performance evaluation of distributed deadlock detection algorithms. 638 - James Canning, David Pelland, Sharon Sliger:
Eyes: a visual programming environment (abstract only). 639-640 - Weibin Lu, Doris L. Carver:
An integrated object-oriented development approach by object relationship abstraction (abstract and references only). 641-642 - Sangbum Lee, Doris L. Carver:
Object-oriented design of distributed systems (abstract and references only). 643-644 - Nancy K. Gautier, Doris L. Carver:
Characteristics for the basic syntax of an object-oriented design language (OODL) (abstract and references only). 645-646 - Chih-Ping Chu, Doris L. Carver:
The impact of dependence cycle statement ordering on the performance of parallel loops (abstract and references only). 647-648 - Ranjan Chaudhuri:
On preorder splaying in binary search trees(abstract and references only). 649 - Kenny Moorman:
A topological algorithm approach to the problem of DNA mapping (abstract only). 650 - Bill Curran:
Split-brain model (abstract only). 651 - Ugur Halici
, Asuman Dogac:
A graph-based method for database concurrency control. 652 - Thomas Bradley Vaughn, Michael V. Doran, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr.:
A graphical abstract data type simulator. 653 - Boris K. Chan, Michael V. Doran, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr.:
Problem analysis and solution development mechanism for DATA (abstract and references only): data to algorithm translator analysis. 654 - Kathryn A. Gradle, Michael V. Doran, Roy J. Daigle:
Information science (abstract and references only): managing the software lifecycle. 655 - Csaba J. Egyhazy:
A software architecture for heterogeneous distributed database systems (abstract and references only). 656 - Ann E. Fleury:
Stylistic programming conventions: a student view of their importance and purpose (abstract only). 657 - Clinton R. Foulk:
Structured programming in assembly language (abstract only). 658 - Donald Gotterbarn
The non-extendibility of software science (abstract and references only). 659-660 - Wei Li, Sallie M. Henry:
Using metrics in software lifecycle models (abstract and references only). 661 - Nancy P. Houston:
Using interactive videodisc with large classes to improve instruction and faculty productivity (abstract only). 662 - Nancy P. Houston:
Comparison of lecture method and interactive viedodisc instruction in an introductory computer course (abstract only). 663 - Suresh Kalathur:
Defeasible reasoning with conceptual graphs (abstract and references only). 664 - Haklin Kim:
A parallel algorithm for finding crossing numbers of channel routing (abstract and references only). 665-666 - Arun D. Kulkarni, P. Byars:
Neural nets for invariant object recognition (abstract only). 667 - Zuoquan Lin:
An experiential logic for nonmonotonic reasoning (abstract and regerences only). 668 - Mildred D. Lintner:
A continuous assessment transponder (poster session). 669 - Jiang B. Liu:
A multilevel load balancing algorithm in a distributed system (abstract only). 670 - Deborah Lukman:
An evaluative approach in adapting diagnosis expert system (abstract only). 671 - A. C. Manoharan, M. Manoharan:
Simulation of simple computation over a product of several complex number fields (abstract and references only). 672 - Arthur W. Mansky:
Improving the design of user interfaces through rapid prototyping (abstract only). 673 - J. Michael McGrew:
Removal of artifacts from polygons clipped using the Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm (abstract and figure only). 674 - William W. McMillan:
An architecture for machine learning with multiple reinforcers (abstract and figures only). 675 - William W. McMillan:
Where do formal methods fit in software evaluation? (abstract and figure only). 676 - Karl D. Melcher, G. Scott Owen:
Object-oriented ray tracing (abstract only): a comparison of C++ versus C implementations. 677 - Donna M. Mooney, John R. Talburt:
An expert system for check routing (abstract and references only). 678 - Richard O'Lander:
Intelligent tutoring systems (abstract only): an interactive approach to learning. 679 - Domenick J. Pinto, Sandra K. Honda:
A novel approach to teaching CS 1 and CS 2. 680 - Domenick J. Pinto:
RANDCOM: a method for generating random combinations efficiently (abstract only). 681 - Cheryl Rodgers, Lynn L. Peterson, Donnell Payne:
An active hypertext path mechanism in a cooperative problem solving environment (abstract only). 682 - Chaman L. Sabharwal, Thomas G. Melson:
Intelligent data representation for curve string structures (abstract and references only). 683 - Chinsyh Hu, Mansur H. Samadzadeh:
Sensitivity of graph-theoretic metrics to edge directions for structured and unstructured programs (abstract and references only). 684 - G. Sampath:
An application of neural nets to comparative linguistics (abstract only). 685 - Gerard Kiernan, Arnold Koltun, Edward N. Schwartz:
Automatic high-level code generation for expert systems (abstract and references only). 686 - Patrick R. Brown, Clifford A. Shaffer, Robert E. Webber:
A paging scheme for pointer-based quadtrees (abstract only). 687 - Lily Shashaani:
Use of computer in school (abstract only). 688 - Paul J. Fortier, David V. Pitts, Gerald Pocock, John C. Sieg Jr., C. Thomas Wilkes:
Transaction processing in a distributed real-time control system (abstract only). 689 - Carl Steidley:
Robotics (abstract only): self-directed applied research for undergraduates. 690 - Marguerita K. Summers:
Evaluation of relational DBMS's for scientific applications (abstract only). 691 - Joseph S. Szakas, Christian Trefftz:
An algorithm for approximating Dirichlet tessellations (abstract only). 692 - Ignatios Vakalis, Elise de Doncker, Ian Robinson, Ricolindo Cariño:
Experience with adaptive integration over a triangulated region using the Levin transformation (abstract and references only). 693 - M. P. Vakalis:
Attitudes of faculty towards computing: an investigation and analysis of related variables. 694 - John A. Ward:
Computer assisted experimental design (abstract and reference only): power analysis by Monte-Carlo simulation. 695 - Trong Wu:
Ada tasking for parallel discrete event simulation (abstract only). 696 - Hee Yong Youn, Susan M. Merritt, Jacqueline Millan, David A. Sachs, A. D. Sever:
Modular cube-connected cycle architecture for efficiet image processing (abstract and references only). 697 - Marco Valtorta, M. Ishaq Zahid:
Some heuristics cannot be derived from relaxed models (abstract only). 698 - Donald J. Bagert, Darrah Chavey, Thomas L. Monrey, David Van Brackle, John Werth:
Preparing a team for the ACM scholastic programming contest (panel session). 701 - Frank J. LoSacco, Stuart A. Varden:
Fostering University-corporate education programs (panel session). 702 - Ming T. Liu, Mohamed G. Gouda, Raymond E. Miller, Krishan K. Sabnani:
Protocol engineering (panel session). 703 - Andrew B. Whinston, Rudy Hirschheim:
Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) (panel session). 704-705 - M. Ellis:
Federal funding possibilities for minority research programs (panel session). 706 - D. C. Toedt:
Technology transfer (panel session). 706 - Les Belady:
System integration (panel session). 706 - Earl J. Schweppe:
Microprocessor architecture history (panel session). 707 - D. C. Toedt:
Software distribution (panel session). 707 - Julius A. Archibald:
Involving minorities and women in the computer science profession (panel session). 707 - Albert Joseph Turner Jr.:
Report of the joint ACM/IEEE-CS curriculum task force (panel session). 707

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