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12th ITG Symposium on Speech Communication 2016: Paderborn, Germany
- Proceedings of the 12th ITG Symposium on Speech Communication, Paderborn, Germany, October 5-7, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-3-8007-4275-2
- Timo Lohrenz, Simon Receveur, Tim Fingscheidt:
EXIT Charts for Turbo Automatic Speech Recognition: A Case Study. 1-5 - Simon Receveur, Timo Lohrenz, Tim Fingscheidt:
Introducing Block-Wise Processing into Turbo Viterbi ASR. 1-5 - Aleksej Chinaev, Jahn Heymann, Lukas Drude, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
Noise-Presence-Probability-Based Noise PSD Estimation by Using DNNs. 1-5 - Johannes Stahl, Pejman Mowlaee:
Iterative Harmonic Speech Enhancement. 1-5 - Thomas Glarner, Mohammad Mahdi Momenzadeh, Lukas Drude, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
Factor Graph Decoding for Speech Presence Probability Estimation. 1-5 - Sebastian Gergen, Steffen Zeiler, Ahmed Hussen Abdelaziz, Dorothea Kolossa:
New Insights into Turbo-Decoding-Based AVSR with Dynamic StreamWeights. 1-5 - Benedikt T. Boenninghoff, Robert M. Nickel, Steffen Zeiler, Dorothea Kolossa:
Unsupervised Classification of Voiced Speech and Pitch Tracking Using Forward-Backward Kalman Filtering. 1-5 - Robert Rehr, Timo Gerkmann:
A Combination of Pre-Trained Approaches and Generic Methods for an Improved Speech Enhancement. 1-5 - Andrea Schnall, Martin Heckmann:
Balancing Gaussianity and sparseness in feature-space speaker adaptation for word prominence detection. 1-5 - Frank Kurth, Alessia Cornaggia-Urrigshardt:
Evaluation of Enhanced F0-Trajectories for Speech Detection and Classification in Acoustic Monitoring. 1-4 - Sebastian Urrigshardt, Sebastian Kreuzer, Frank Kurth:
General Detection of Speech Signals in the Time-Frequency Plane. 1-5 - Ziyue Zhao, Sai Han, Tim Fingscheidt:
Improving Vector Quantization-Based Decoders for Correlated Processes in Error-Free Transmission. 1-5 - Menno Müller, Steven van de Par, Jörg Bitzer:
Head-Orientation-Based Device Selection: Are You Talking to Me? 1-5 - Simon Graf, Tobias Herbig, Markus Buck, Gerhard Schmidt:
Voice Activity Detection Based on Modulation-Phase Differences. 1-5 - Soumitro Chakrabarty, Oliver Thiergart, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
A Method to Analyze the Spatial Response of Informed Spatial Filters. 1-5 - Sebastian Gergen, Rainer Martin:
Estimating Source Dominated Microphone Clusters in Ad-Hoc Microphone Arrays by Fuzzy Clustering in the Feature Space. 1-5 - Florian Jacob, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
On the Bias of Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Linear Microphone Arrays. 1-5 - Tom Bäckström, Johannes Fischer:
Coding of Parametric Models with Randomized Quantization in a Distributed Speech and Audio Codec. 1-5 - Chia-Chun Hsu, Jarek Krajewski, Jörg Felfe, Joachim Mrnka, Andre Wiggerich, Sebastian Schnieder:
"Listen, Follow me": The Transformational Leadership Corpus (TLC). 1-5 - Alexandru Nelus, Sebastian Gergen, Jalal Taghia, Rainer Martin:
Towards Opaque Audio Features for Privacy in Acoustic Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Christoph Schmidt, Michael Stadtschnitzer, Joachim Köhler:
The Fraunhofer IAIS Audio Mining System: Current State and Future Directions. 1-5 - Lucas Bechberger, Maria Schmidt, Alex Waibel, Marcello Federico:
Personalized News Event Retrieval for Small Talk in Social Dialog Systems. 1-5 - Aleksandar Andonov, Maria Schmidt, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel:
Using Tweets as "Ice-Breaking" Sentences in a Social Dialog System. 1-5 - Daniel Marquardt, Simon Doclo:
Performance Comparison of Bilateral and Binaural MVDR-based Noise Reduction Algorithms in the Presence of DOA Estimation Errors. 1-5 - Stefan Liebich, Peter Jax, Peter Vary:
Active Cancellation of the Occlusion Effect in Hearing Aids by Time Invariant Robust Feedback. 1-5 - Dianna Yee, A. Homayoun Kamkar-Parsi, Rainer Martin, Henning Puder:
A Model-Based Placement Strategy for a Nearby External Microphone for Speech Enhancement in Hearing Aids. 1-5 - Mehdi Zohourian, Gerald Enzner, Rainer Martin:
On the Use of Beamforming Approaches for Binaural Speaker Localization. 1-5 - Hendrik Kayser, Jörn Anemüller:
Probabilistic Spatial Filter Estimation for Multi-Channel Signal Enhancement in Hearing Aids. 1-5 - Waldo Nogueira, Tom Gajecki, Benjamin Krüger, Jordi Janer, Andreas Büchner:
Development of a Sound Coding Strategy based on a Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Monaural Source Separation in Cochlear Implants. 1-5 - Jamal Amini, Richard C. Hendriks, Richard Heusdens, Meng Guo, Jesper Jensen:
On the Impact of Quantization on Binaural MVDR Beamforming. 1-5 - Henning F. Schepker, Linh Thi Thuc Tran, Sven Nordholm, Simon Doclo:
A Robust Null-Steering Beamformer for Acoustic Feedback Cancellation for a Multi-Microphone Earpiece. 1-5 - Jörg Bitzer, Sven Kissner:
Two-channel Coherence-Based Own Voice Detection for Privacy-aware Longterm Acoustic Measurements. 1-5 - Friedemann Köster, Victor Cercos-Llombart, Gabriel Mittag, Sebastian Möller:
Non-Intrusive Estimation Model for the Speech-Quality Dimension Loudness. 1-5 - Benjamin Cauchi, João Felipe Santos, Kai Siedenburg, Tiago H. Falk, Patrick A. Naylor, Simon Doclo, Stefan Goetze:
Predicting the quality of processed speech by combining modulation-based features and model trees. 1-5 - Laura Fernández Gallardo:
A Paired-Comparison Listening Test for Collecting Voice Likability Scores. 1-5 - Johannes Abel, Magdalena Kaniewska, Cyril Guillaume, Wouter Tirry, Tim Fingscheidt:
Objective Assessment of Artificial Speech Bandwidth Extension Approaches. 1-5 - Tobias Bruns, Dirk Oetting, Markus Meis, Jan Rennies:
Method for analyzing personalized telephone speech in quiet and noisy environments in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. 1-5 - Frank Kettler, Silvia Poschen, Radi Serafimov:
Design of Double Talk Sequences in Different Languages to Harmonize Third Party Listening Test Results. 1-5 - Michal Soloducha, Alexander Raake, Frank Kettler, Nils Rohrer, Eva Parotat, Marcel Wältermann, Sven Trevisany, Peter Voigt:
Towards VoIP quality testing with real-life devices and degradations. 1-5 - Jan Reimes, Hans-Wilhelm Gierlich:
Instrumental speech and noise quality assessment for super-wideband and fullband transmission. 1-5 - Ingo Siegert, Alicia Flores Lotz, Michael Maruschke, Oliver Jokisch, Andreas Wendemuth:
Emotion Intelligibility within Codec-Compressed and Reduced Bandwidth Speech. 1-5 - Tino Haderlein, Anne Schützenberger, Michael Döllinger, Elmar Nöth:
Voice and Speech Assessment From Telephone Recordings Using Prosodic Analysis Based on u-Law-Companded Features. 1-5 - Michael Brodersen, Thorben Moritz Juengling, Gerhard Schmidt:
Evaluation of Communication Systems for Full-Face Firefighter Masks. 1-5 - Maximilian Schmitt, Christoph Janott, Vedhas Pandit, Kun Qian, Clemens Heiser, Werner Hemmert, Björn W. Schuller:
A Bag-of-Audio-Words Approach for Snore Sounds' Excitation Localisation. 1-5 - Juan Camilo Vásquez-Correa, Tomás Arias-Vergara, Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla, Elmar Nöth:
Wavelet-Based Time-Frequency Representations for Automatic Recognition of Emotions from Speech. 1-5 - Jochen Weiner, Tanja Schultz:
Detection of Intra-Personal Development of Cognitive Impairment From Conversational Speech. 1-5 - Christin Baasch, Gerhard Schmidt, Ulrich Heute, Adelheid Nebel, Günther Deuschl:
Parkinson-Speech Analysis: Methods and Aims. 1-5 - Jarek Krajewski, Sebastian Schnieder, Christopher Monschau, Raphael Titt, David Sommer, Martin Golz:
Large Sleepy Reading Corpus (LSRC): Applying Read Speech for Detecting Sleepiness. 1-4 - Sebastian Wankerl, Elmar Nöth, Stefan Evert:
An Analysis of Perplexity to Reveal the Effects of Alzheimer's Disease on Language. 1-5 - Tomás Arias-Vergara, Juan Camilo Vásquez-Correa, Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla, Tino Haderlein, Elmar Nöth:
Gender-dependent GMM-UBM for tracking Parkinson's disease progression from speech. 1-5 - Maximilian Schmitt, Erik Marchi, Fabien Ringeval, Björn W. Schuller:
Towards Cross-lingual Automatic Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition in Children's Voices. 1-5 - Licia Sbattella, Roberto Tedesco, Sonia Cenceschi:
Acoustic and grammatical characterization of crisis-related babblings in Italian persons undergoing Courts-of-Law examinations. 1-4 - Eike Suthau, Peter Birkholz, Alexander Mainka, Adrian P. Simpson:
Non-invasive photoglottography for use in the lab and the field. 1-5 - Sascha Frühholz:
On the Role of the Limbic Brain System in Recognizing Emotions From Paralinguistic Speech Features. 1-4 - Markus Niermann, Christian Thierfeld, Peter Jax, Peter Vary:
Time Domain Approach for Listening Enhancement in Noisy Environments. 1-5 - Hai Huang, Christian Hofmann, Walter Kellermann, Jingdong Chen, Jacob Benesty:
Multiframe Echo Suppression Based on Orthogonal Signal Decompositions. 1-5 - Dörte Fischer, Simon Doclo, Emanuël A. P. Habets, Timo Gerkmann:
Combined Single-Microphone Wiener and MVDR Filtering based on Speech Interframe Correlations and Speech Presence Probability. 1-5 - Aleksej Chinaev, Jens Heitkaemper, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
A Priori SNR Estimation Using Weibull Mixture Model. 1-5 - Philipp Thuene, Gerald Enzner:
Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Adaptive Multichannel-Wiener Postfiltering for Wind-Noise Reduction. 1-5 - Simon Graf, Tobias Herbig, Markus Buck, Gerhard Schmidt:
Kurtosis-Controlled Babble Noise Suppression. 1-5 - Ingo Schalk-Schupp, Friedrich Faubel, Markus Buck, Andreas Wendemuth:
Combined Linear and Nonlinear Residual Echo Suppression Using a Deficient Distortion Model - A Proof of Concept. 1-5 - Maria Luis Valero, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
On the Performance of LPTV Coherence Reduction Methods in the Sub-band Domain for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation. 1-5 - Sneha Das, Alexandra Craciun, Tobias Jähnel, Tom Bäckström:
Spectral Envelope Statistics for Source Modeling in Speech Enhancement. 1-5 - Mohammed Krini, Zafar Baig Mirza, Klaus Rodemer:
A Practical Beamformer-Postfilter System for Microphone Arrays on Seat Belts. 1-5 - Andre Klein, Stefan Feldes:
HMM Embedded Conditional Vector Estimation Applied to Noisy Line Spectral Frequencies. 1-5 - Philipp Bulling, Klaus Linhard, Arthur Wolf, Gerhard Schmidt:
Acoustic Feedback Compensation with Reverb-based Stepsize Control for Incar Communication Systems. 1-5 - Florian Heese, Richard Steinbiss, Peter Jax, Peter Vary:
Noise Reduction in the Time Domain Using ARMA Filtering. 1-5 - Markus Kitza, Albert Zeyer, Ralf Schlüter, Jahn Heymann, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
Robust Online Multi-Channel Speech Recognition. 1-5 - Harald Hoege:
Modeling of Phone Features for Phoneme Perception. 1-5 - Markus Müller, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel:
Language Feature Vectors for Resource Constraint Speech Recognition. 1-5 - Christian Huemmer, Philipp Stadter, Walter Kellermann:
Uncertainty Decoding Using a Sampling Strategy Based on the Eigenvalue Decomposition. 1-5 - Kevin Kilgour, Igor Tseyzer, Thai Son Nguyen, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel:
Growing a Deep Neural Network Acoustic Model with Singular Value Decomposition. 1-5 - Volker Fischer, Siegfried Kunzmann:
Rank based Decoding for Improved DNN/HMM Hybrid Acoustic Models in the EML Transcription Platform. 1-5 - Jörg Franke, Markus Müller, Fatima Hamlaoui, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel:
Phoneme Boundary Detection using Deep Bidirectional LSTMs. 1-5 - Marvin Ritter, Markus Müller, Sebastian Stüker, Florian Metze, Alex Waibel:
Training Deep Neural Networks for Reverberation Robust Speech Recognition. 1-5

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