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10. ARES 2015: Toulouse, France
- 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2015, Toulouse, France, August 24-27, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-6590-1
ARES Full Papers
Full Papers ARES Full I: Best Paper Session
- Klaus Kursawe, Christiane Peters:
Structural Weaknesses in the Open Smart Grid Protocol. 1-10 - Dejan Baca, Martin Boldt, Bengt Carlsson, Andreas Jacobsson
A Novel Security-Enhanced Agile Software Development Process Applied in an Industrial Setting. 11-19 - Sascha Bosse, Matthias Splieth, Klaus Turowski:
Optimizing IT Service Costs with Respect to the Availability Service Level Objective. 20-29
ARES Full II: Identity and Privacy
- Moritz Horsch, Andreas Hülsing
, Johannes Buchmann:
PALPAS - PAssword Less PAssword Synchronization. 30-39 - Matthias Hummer, Michael Kunz, Michael Netter, Ludwig Fuchs, Günther Pernul:
Advanced Identity and Access Policy Management Using Contextual Data. 40-49 - Bence Gabor Bakondi, Andreas Peter, Maarten H. Everts, Pieter H. Hartel
, Willem Jonker:
Publicly Verifiable Private Aggregation of Time-Series Data. 50-59
ARES Full III: Networks and Protocols
- Henrich Christopher Pöhls, Kai Samelin:
Accountable Redactable Signatures. 60-69 - Jordan Cropper, Johanna Ullrich
, Peter Frühwirt, Edgar R. Weippl:
The Role and Security of Firewalls in IaaS Cloud Computing. 70-79 - Shane S. Clark, Aaron Paulos, Brett Benyo
, Partha P. Pal
, Richard E. Schantz:
Empirical Evaluation of the A3 Environment: Evaluating Defenses Against Zero-Day Attacks. 80-89
ARES Full IV: Software Security
- David Dewey, Bradley Reaves, Patrick Traynor:
Uncovering Use-After-Free Conditions in Compiled Code. 90-99 - Quoc-Sang Phan
, Pasquale Malacaria:
All-Solution Satisfiability Modulo Theories: Applications, Algorithms and Benchmarks. 100-109 - Raphael C. S. Machado, Davidson R. Boccardo, Vinícius Gusmão Pereira de Sá, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
Fair Fingerprinting Protocol for Attesting Software Misuses. 110-119
ARES Full V: Mobile Security and Cyber Physical Systems
- Benjamin Taubmann, Manuel Huber
, Sascha Wessel, Lukas Heim, Hans Peter Reiser
, Georg Sigl:
A Lightweight Framework for Cold Boot Based Forensics on Mobile Devices. 120-128 - Mykola Protsenko, Sebastien Kreuter, Tilo Müller:
Dynamic Self-Protection and Tamperproofing for Android Apps Using Native Code. 129-138 - Hafizah Mansor
, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Raja Naeem Akram
, Keith Mayes:
Don't Brick Your Car: Firmware Confidentiality and Rollback for Vehicles. 139-148
ARES Full VI: Security Management
- Dan Gorton:
Modeling Fraud Prevention of Online Services Using Incident Response Trees and Value at Risk. 149-158 - Bahareh Shojaie, Hannes Federrath, Iman Saberi:
The Effects of Cultural Dimensions on the Development of an ISMS Based on the ISO 27001. 159-167
ARES Short Papers
Short Papers ARES Short I: Network and Probing
- Malek Belhaouane, Joaquín García-Alfaro
, Hervé Debar
On the Isofunctionality of Network Access Control Lists. 168-173 - Tariq Fadai, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Peter Kieseberg
, Martin Mulazzani:
Trust me, I'm a Root CA! Analyzing SSL Root CAs in Modern Browsers and Operating Systems. 174-179 - Elias Bou-Harb
, Mourad Debbabi
, Chadi Assi:
A Time Series Approach for Inferring Orchestrated Probing Campaigns by Analyzing Darknet Traffic. 180-185 - Johanna Ullrich
, Peter Kieseberg
, Katharina Krombholz, Edgar R. Weippl:
On Reconnaissance with IPv6: A Pattern-Based Scanning Approach. 186-192
ARES Short II: Hardware and Physical Layer Security
- Henrique Kawakami, Roberto Gallo
, Ricardo Dahab
, Erick Nascimento:
Hardware Security Evaluation Using Assurance Case Models. 193-198 - Johannes Götzfried, Johannes Hampel, Tilo Müller:
Physically Secure Code and Data Storage in Autonomously Booting Systems. 199-204 - Sihem Châabouni, Amel Meddeb-Makhlouf
Error/Intrusion Target Identification on the Physical Layer over a BICM Scheme. 205-210 - Jens Lindemann
Towards Abuse Detection and Prevention in IaaS Cloud Computing. 211-217
ARES Short III: Social Networks, Voting and Usable Security
- Francesco Buccafurri, Gianluca Lax
, Serena Nicolazzo
, Antonino Nocera
A Model Implementing Certified Reputation and Its Application to TripAdvisor. 218-223 - Oksana Kulyk, Stephan Neumann, Jurlind Budurushi
, Melanie Volkamer, Rolf Haenni, Reto E. Koenig, Philémon von Bergen:
Efficiency Evaluation of Cryptographic Protocols for Boardroom Voting. 224-229 - Katharina Krombholz, Peter Frühwirt, Thomas Rieder, Ioannis Kapsalis, Johanna Ullrich
, Edgar R. Weippl:
QR Code Security - How Secure and Usable Apps Can Protect Users Against Malicious QR Codes. 230-237 - Jun Pang, Yang Zhang
Event Prediction with Community Leaders. 238-243
The 10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security: FARES 2015
FARES I: Monitoring and Identification
- Michael Loughlin, Asma Adnane
Privacy and Trust in Smart Camera Sensor Networks. 244-248 - Hessel Schut, Mark Scanlon
, Jason Farina, Nhien-An Le-Khac
Towards the Forensic Identification and Investigation of Cloud Hosted Servers through Non-Invasive Wiretaps. 249-257 - Martin Husák
, Petr Velan
, Jan Vykopal
Security Monitoring of HTTP Traffic Using Extended Flows. 258-265
FARES II: Cryptography and Resilience
- Richard M. Zahoransky, Christian Brenig, Thomas G. Koslowski:
Towards a Process-Centered Resilience Framework. 266-273 - Jürgen Fuß
, Stefan Gradinger, Bernhard Greslehner-Nimmervoll, Robert Kolmhofer:
Complexity Estimates of a SHA-1 Near-Collision Attack for GPU and FPGA. 274-280 - Yu Ichifuji, Noriaki Koide, Noboru Sonehara:
Impacts of Tourist Accommodations as Temporal Shelter on Evacuee Overflow for the Reassignment of Shelters Jurisdiction. 281-286
The Eighth International Workshop on Digital Forensics: WSDF 2015
- Simon Lindenlauf, Hans Höfken, Marko Schuba:
Cold Boot Attacks on DDR2 and DDR3 SDRAM. 287-292 - Noora Al Mutawa, Joanne Bryce, Virginia N. L. Franqueira
, Andrew Marrington:
Behavioural Evidence Analysis Applied to Digital Forensics: An Empirical Analysis of Child Pornography Cases Using P2P Networks. 293-302 - Ibrahim M. Baggili
, Jeff Oduro, Kyle Anthony, Frank Breitinger
, Glenn McGee:
Watch What You Wear: Preliminary Forensic Analysis of Smart Watches. 303-311 - Victoria M. Katilu, Virginia N. L. Franqueira
, Olga Angelopoulou
Challenges of Data Provenance for Cloud Forensic Investigations. 312-317
The Fourth International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications: IWSMA 2015
IWSMA 2015 IWSMA I: Android Security
- Gerardo Canfora
, Francesco Mercaldo, Giovanni Moriano, Corrado Aaron Visaggio
Composition-Malware: Building Android Malware at Run Time. 318-326 - Damjan Buhov, Markus Huber, Georg Merzdovnik
, Edgar R. Weippl, Vesna Dimitrova:
Network Security Challenges in Android Applications. 327-332 - Gerardo Canfora
, Andrea De Lorenzo
, Eric Medvet
, Francesco Mercaldo, Corrado Aaron Visaggio
Effectiveness of Opcode ngrams for Detection of Multi Family Android Malware. 333-340
IWSMA II: Networks Security
- Aida Ben Chehida Douss, Ryma Abassi, Sihem Guemara El Fatmi:
A Model for Specification and Validation of a Trust Management Based Security Scheme in a MANET Environment. 341-350 - Matti J. Peltola, Pekka Kekolahti:
Risk Assessment of Public Safety and Security Mobile Service. 351-359 - Aida Ben Chehida Douss, Samiha Ayed, Ryma Abassi, Nora Cuppens, Sihem Guemara El Fatmi:
Trust Negotiation Based Approach to Enforce MANET Routing Security. 360-366
International Workshop on Cyber Crime: IWCC 2015
IWCC I: Cyber Crime Techniques and Prevention
- Murdoch Watney
Intensifying State Surveillance of Electronic Communications: A Legal Solution in Addressing Extremism or Not? 367-373 - Jason W. Clark, Matt Collins, Jeremy R. Strozer:
Malicious Insiders with Ties to the Internet Underground Community. 374-381 - Geumhwan Cho
, Junsung Cho
, Youngbae Song, Hyoungshick Kim:
An Empirical Study of Click Fraud in Mobile Advertising Networks. 382-388 - Martin Husák
, Milan Cermák
, Tomás Jirsík
, Pavel Celeda
Network-Based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL/TLS Fingerprinting. 389-396
IWCC II: Cyber Crime Techniques and Prevention
- Pavol Sokol
, Martin Husák
, Frantiek Liptak:
Deploying Honeypots and Honeynets: Issue of Privacy. 397-403 - Sebastian Neuner, Martin Mulazzani, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Edgar R. Weippl:
Gradually Improving the Forensic Process. 404-410 - Jingning Chen, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo, Fan Zhao, Guang Zhu:
A Landmark Calibration Based IP Geolocation Approach. 411-416 - Hang Cheng, Xinpeng Zhang, Jiang Yu, Fengyong Li:
Markov Process Based Retrieval for Encrypted JPEG Images. 417-421
IWCC III: Information Hiding I
- Jaspreet Kaur, Steffen Wendzel
, Michael Meier
Countermeasures for Covert Channel-Internal Control Protocols. 422-428 - Artur Janicki
Novel Method of Hiding Information in IP Telephony Using Pitch Approximation. 429-435 - Wojciech Fraczek, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
Steg Blocks: Ensuring Perfect Undetectability of Network Steganography. 436-441 - Jason Hiney, Tejas Dakve, Krzysztof Szczypiorski
, Kris Gaj:
Using Facebook for Image Steganography. 442-447
IWCC IV: Information Hiding II
- Hasan Abdulrahman
, Marc Chaumont
, Philippe Montesinos, Baptiste Magnier:
Color Image Stegananalysis Using Correlations between RGB Channels. 448-454 - Hui Tian
, Yanpeng Wu, Yongfeng Huang, Jin Liu, Yonghong Chen, Tian Wang, Yiqiao Cai:
Steganalysis of Low Bit-Rate Speech Based on Statistic Characteristics of Pulse Positions. 455-460 - Yi Zhang, Xiangyang Luo, Chunfang Yang, Dengpan Ye, Fenlin Liu:
A JPEG-Compression Resistant Adaptive Steganography Based on Relative Relationship between DCT Coefficients. 461-466
The Second International Workshop on Software Assurance: SAW 2015
SAW I: Security Design and Validation
- Martin Gilje Jaatun, Inger Anne Tøndel:
How Much Cloud Can You Handle? 467-473 - Germain Jolly, Baptiste Hemery, Christophe Rosenberger
Generation of Local and Expected Behaviors of a Smart Card Application to Detect Software Anomaly. 474-480 - Otto Hellwig
, Gerald Quirchmayr, Edith Huber, Timo Mischitz, Markus Huber:
Towards a CERT-Communication Model as Basis to Software Assurance. 481-485 - Jung-Woo Sohn, Jungwoo Ryoo:
Securing Web Applications with Better "Patches": An Architectural Approach for Systematic Input Validation with Security Patterns. 486-492
SAW II: Software Testing and Assurance
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Toru Nakamura, Haruo Takasaki, Tatsuhiko Hirabayashi:
Personal Agent for Services in ITS. 493-500 - Yury Zhauniarovich, Anton Philippov, Olga Gadyatskaya, Bruno Crispo, Fabio Massacci
Towards Black Box Testing of Android Apps. 501-510 - Simon Tjoa
, Patrick Kochberger
, Christoph Malin, Andreas Schmoll:
An Open Source Code Analyzer and Reviewer (OSCAR) Framework. 511-515 - Marc Antoine Gosselin-Lavigne, Hugo Gonzalez
, Natalia Stakhanova, Ali A. Ghorbani:
A Performance Evaluation of Hash Functions for IP Reputation Lookup Using Bloom Filters. 516-521
The First International Workshop on Agile Secure Software Development: ASSD 2015
ASSD I: Experiences in Agile Development of Secure software
- Jesus Choliz, Julian Vilas, José Moreira
Independent Security Testing on Agile Software Development: A Case Study in a Software Company. 522-531 - Nasser Al-Hadhrami
, Benjamin Aziz
, Shantanu Sardesai, Lotfi Ben Othmane:
Incremental Development of RBAC-Controlled E-Marking System Using the B Method. 532-539
ASSD II: Assessment of Research on Agile Development of Secure software
- Hela Oueslati, Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Lotfi Ben Othmane:
Literature Review of the Challenges of Developing Secure Software Using the Agile Approach. 540-547 - Stephan Renatus, Clemens Teichmann, Jörn Eichler:
Method Selection and Tailoring for Agile Threat Assessment and Mitigation. 548-555
The International Workshop on Cloud Security and Forensics: WCSF 2015
- Jason Farina, Mark Scanlon
, Nhien-An Le-Khac
, M. Tahar Kechadi
Overview of the Forensic Investigation of Cloud Services. 556-565 - Jaemin Park
, Eunchan Kim, Sungjin Park, Cheoloh Kang:
Advanced Attribute-Based Key Management for Mobile Devices in Hybrid Clouds. 566-575 - Somchart Fugkeaw
, Hiroyuki Sato:
Enabling Constraints and Dynamic Preventive Access Control Policy Enforcement in the Cloud. 576-583 - Manabu Hirano, Hayate Takase, Koki Yoshida:
Evaluation of a Sector-Hash Based Rapid File Detection Method for Monitoring Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Platforms. 584-591
International Workshop on Multimedia Forensics and Security: MFSec 2015
MFSec I: Web and Social Media Data Analytics for Privacy Awareness and terrorist-related Content identification
- Georgios Petkos, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris:
PScore: A Framework for Enhancing Privacy Awareness in Online Social Networks. 592-600 - Theodora Tsikrika
, George Kalpakis
, Stefanos Vrochidis
, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Iraklis Paraskakis
, Isaak Kavasidis, Jonathan Middleton, Una Williamson:
A Framework for the Discovery, Analysis, and Retrieval of Multimedia Homemade Explosives Information on the Web. 601-610
MFSec II: Forensic Analysis of Audiovisual data
- Dana Codreanu, André Péninou
, Florence Sèdes
Video Spatio-Temporal Filtering Based on Cameras and Target Objects Trajectories - Videosurveillance Forensic Framework. 611-617 - Morgan Barbier, Jean-Marie Le Bars, Christophe Rosenberger
Image Watermarking with Biometric Data for Copyright Protection. 618-625 - Eric Chan-Tin:
AnonCall: Making Anonymous Cellular Phone Calls. 626-631 - George Kalpakis, Theodora Tsikrika, Fotini Markatopoulou, Nikiforos Pittaras, Stefanos Vrochidis, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Patras, Ioannis Kompatsiaris:
Concept Detection in Multimedia Web Resources About Home Made Explosives. 632-641
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud-Based Applications: Au2EU 2015
- John Zic
, Nerolie Oakes, Dongxi Liu, Jane Li, Chen Wang
, Shiping Chen
A Secure Integrated Platform for Rapdily Formed Multiorganisation Collaborations. 642-651 - Stefan Thaler, Jerry den Hartog, Dhouha Ayed, Dieter Sommer, Michael Hitchens
Cross-Domain Attribute Conversion for Authentication and Authorization. 652-659 - Mamadou H. Diallo, Michael August, Roger Hallman
, Megan Kline, Henry Au, Vic Beach:
Nomad: A Framework for Developing Mission-Critical Cloud-Based Applications. 660-669 - Bernd Jäger, Reiner Kraft, Sebastian Luhn, Annika Selzer, Ulrich Waldmann:
The Measurement of Data Locations in the Cloud. 670-675 - Yacine Hebbal, Sylvie Laniepce, Jean-Marc Menaud:
Virtual Machine Introspection: Techniques and Applications. 676-685
The First International Workshop on Future Scenarios for Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism: FCCT 2015
- Michal Choras, Rafal Kozik
, Maria Pilar Torres Bruna, Artsiom Yautsiukhin
, Andrew Churchill, Iwona Maciejewska, Irene Eguinoa
, Adel Jomni:
Comprehensive Approach to Increase Cyber Security and Resilience. 686-692 - Max Kilger:
Integrating Human Behavior Into the Development of Future Cyberterrorism Scenarios. 693-700 - Jart Armin, Bryn Thompson, Davide Ariu
, Giorgio Giacinto
, Fabio Roli
, Piotr Kijewski:
2020 Cybercrime Economic Costs: No Measure No Solution. 701-710 - Jart Armin, Paolo Foti, Marco Cremonini
0-Day Vulnerabilities and Cybercrime. 711-718 - Davide Ariu
, Luca Didaci
, Giorgio Fumera
, Enrico Frumento, Federica Freschi, Giorgio Giacinto
, Fabio Roli
Yet Another Cybersecurity Roadmapping Methodology. 719-726
The First International Workshop on Security Testing and Monitoring: STAM 2015
STAM I: Security Testing and Monitoring Solutions
- Jorge López, Stéphane Maag, Gerardo Morales:
TEAR: A Multi-purpose Formal Language Specification for TEsting at Runtime. 727-734 - Mohamed H. E. Aouadi, Khalifa Toumi, Ana R. Cavalli
An Active Testing Tool for Security Testing of Distributed Systems. 735-740
STAM II: Security in Virtualized and Cloud Environments
- Bertrand Mathieu, Guillaume Doyen, Wissam Mallouli, Thomas Silverston, Olivier Bettan, François-Xavier Aguessy, Thibault Cholez
, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Patrick Truong, Edgardo Montes de Oca
Monitoring and Securing New Functions Deployed in a Virtualized Networking Environment. 741-748 - Valentina Casola
, Alessandra De Benedictis
, Massimiliano Rak
Security Monitoring in the Cloud: An SLA-Based Approach. 749-755

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